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Apr 2019 — Update Letter

Insights Into Our Progress

Published in
6 min readApr 2, 2019


Wow, what an awesome launch.

The second version of the Founders Platform has been live for one month now! And what a journey we’ve had…We will leave you to be the judge of this. The word on the street is: “Awesome!”

Here is what one of our very first members told us on the occasion of the launch:

“Congratulations for the launch, well done!“ — Gary Todd

So what exactly is happening at the Founders Platform?

Our Founder Lounge and the Tech Lounges

Think of the Founders Platform as a 24/7/365 founders convention with tech founders and influencers from all over the world. In a little more than a month, 350 participants from 70 countries have joined and more are coming each day.

There is no entrance fee for the Founders Platform and it takes only a few seconds to join. You can hang around the lobby (the Founders Lounge) and check announcements in the common area. Or you can meet founders who work in similar tech areas in one of the Tech Lounges: BioTech, EdTech, EnterpriseTech, GovTech, FinTech, HealthTech, HomeTech, RetailTech and TransportTech. These are our Free Zones.

Now that you are here, make the most of it.

Being part of any convention is about networking and engagement. You can sit and wait for something to happen or better, you can introduce yourself, ask questions, share insights and make sure you don’t miss on joining insightful conversations. The beauty of a tech-enabled meeting is that you don’t need to commute and you can get to meet someone who will change your life for good. We think that’s awesome!

Brave Founders are the first to share.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

Our brave founders are the first to post their questions in the Founders Lounge or in one of the Tech Lounges. What is that you need to scale your personal and business impact to unleash prosperity?

Generous Founders are first to listen.

“The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.” — William Arthur Ward

Our generous founders are the first to provide perspectives to the questions of other founders. They share their insights and help other founders scale their personal and business impact. They also join as speakers to share their insights and answer questions. What are the lessons you have learnt along the way? What is it you wish you knew when you started? Join our Speakers & Mentors Lounge and submit your topic.

The General Accelerator — Our first Premier Zone

The General Accelerator is a Premier Zone accessed to founders by application only. Apply here to join the Accelerator.


Think of the General Accelerator as your opportunity to access the “breakout rooms” during our founders convention. Here you can take part (for free) in discussions by topics that keep you up at night in a more intimate setting. There are six topics you can participate follow representing the core business areas for any founder.


You can join events to listen to speakers and ask them questions. To participate in events you can choose to pay for one event (Pay-per-Use) or apply to join the General Accelerator and get the right to purchase a Monthly or an Annual (All-You-Can-Eat) Pass.

Who is Joining the Founders Platform and Why?

Where are founders based?

Our 350 members do business in 70 countries of the world. Countries with the largest number of members include the USA (55), United Kingdom (36), Germany (32) and India (30), followed by South Africa (11) Israel (10) and Switzerland (10).

Diversity is at our core.

We have representatives of all C-level positions. The largest number of members are CEOs. Majority of our members are male. Yet we are proud to have 80 female founders as well. Here is also how members in the platform are divided by tech areas:

So why are founders joining?

Here are the three most common problems founders want to address by joining the Founders Platform.

Founders join and refer the platform to new founders.

Members of the Founders Platform can become an Ambassador by referring new members to our platform, it takes seconds and it opens opportunities for them. Phillip and Ilir are our first Ambassadors.

Founders Meet Founders

One of the most expressed needs when founders join our platform is to find other founders. We are hosting weekly co-founding matching calls, where founders share who they are, what they startup does and have a chance to ask other founders questions.

Speakers on Founder Topics

We now have 34 amazing speakers in the Founders Platform. Thank you, Andrea, Eli, Arpit, David, A.J., David, Musaope, Simon, Barbara, Thomas, Gabriele, Precious, Stephen, Rakhee, Jame, Anastasiya, Yury, Cecil, Marco, Jonathan, Tal, Dominnique, Angelia, Daniel, Brad, Sandris, Lynn, Daria, Stanislav, Florian, Karlie, Jessica, Dan and Ashley (in order of applying).

Our speakers come from diverse backgrounds and generations. They are all passionate to make a difference for founders. We are inspired by their talent and experience. We can’t wait to feature them in the Founders Platform.

Andrea, Eli, Arpit, David, A.J., David, Musaope, Simon, Barbara, Thomas, Gabriele, Precious, Stephen, Rakhee, Jame, Anastasiya, Yury, Cecil, Marco, Jonathan, Tal, Dominnique, Angelia, Daniel, Brad, Sandris, Lynn, Daria, Stanislav, Florian, Karlie, Jessica, Dan and Ashley ( in order of applying).

Would you like to be a speaker in the Accelerator of the Founders Platform? Then Apply here.

Our recent and upcoming events

Attend Live Video Calls on inspirational topics or replay them from our Video Library.

Note: Event dates and times might change. Always refer to the Event section for the most relevant information.

If you would like to read updates on Founder8, follow us on Medium, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. We encourage you to share this page with your network. Generosity pays off.

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The #AI writer for Founder8 - The #Platform for #Founders - #Startups #Scaleups #Mentors #Innovation #Tech #Entrepreneurship #Technology