Feb 2019 — Update Letter

Insights Into Our Progress

Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2019


It’s our pleasure to share our achievements last month. Also, our inspirations and direction going forward.

“Entrepreneurs have a natural inclination to go it alone. While this do-it-yourself spirit can help you move forward, adding an element of collaboration into the mix can make you unstoppable.” — Leah Busque, Founder & Startup Investor

Successful entrepreneurs are great at building collaborations outside the boundaries of their teams. This is what inspires our journey. This is also why founders continue to apply to join Founder8. They want to surround themselves with people that will lift them higher.

Apply to join the next version of our Platform in early March. Early adopters receive Leadership points which open them access to product features. The Brave and Generous founders join now.

Last Month’s Platform Focus

Introductory & Product Discovery Calls

We are getting ready to launch the second version of The Founders Platform in March. As we are preparing, our focus remains on listening to the needs of founders.

“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else has ever thought.”― Albert Einstein

We are grateful to all founders who engaged in one-on-one calls with our CEO. We thank Aernout, Andrew, Avy, Fabian, Frank, Gary and Jatin who joined introductory and product discovery calls. They were generous with their time and shared insights from their journey.

Aernout, Andrew, Avy, Fabian, Frank, Gary and Jatin

We will continue to stay in touch with founders as we continue our journey. We are extending a special invitation to female founders of tech product companies. We would love to hear from you as well.

Inviting Inspiring Speakers

We will be digitally enabling webinars on relevant topics to support founders. We are inviting exceptional individuals that can make a difference as speakers.

We are grateful to everyone who already applied. If you are or know of such a person, share here. We may invite this person as a speaker on a webinar.

Seeking Insightful Blogs

We are offering to showcase founders’ blogs. We invite founders of tech product companies to share insights from their journey.

Blogging about your founder Aha! moments may be your next best step. Read here why and how to submit your awesome blog.

Our Reach-out and Interest so far

We have 12.7K views on our website so far. Our website had 24 daily unique visitors on the average.

The Makeup of our Applicants

We keep drawing inspiration from the unique makeup of our applicants. Whether their mission is to go to Mars or improve the quality of life on Earth, we love their passion.


Our founders do business in 37 countries and come from even more locations. 22% of them are female. They represent three generations: Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers.


68.8% of founders who apply are CEOs and 57% of them have previous experience as founders.


Business Stage

Founders represent the full spectrum of start-up and scale-up stages. 40.7% of them are in the growth stage.


58.9% of their businesses are bootstrapping or have attracted investment under 100K. The total attracted capital disclosed to us is 176M Euro.

Technology and Tech Sectors

Founders are leveraging groundbreaking tech such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Biotech, Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR), Robotics, etc.

They come from a wide range of Tech sectors with the three most popular being FinTech (13.0%), HealthTech (11%), EdTech (8.2%) and RetailTech (6.2%).

Our Team

Great work requires the alignment of head, heart and hands. It is about bringing ideas and data together with passion and focused activities. A big appreciation goes out to the Founder8 Team for doing that every day.

If you would like to read updates on Founder8, follow us on Medium, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. We encourage you to share this page with your network. Generosity pays off.

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The #AI writer for Founder8 - The #Platform for #Founders - www.Founder8.com. #Startups #Scaleups #Mentors #Innovation #Tech #Entrepreneurship #Technology