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Jan 2019 — Update Letter

Insights Into Our Progress

Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2019


Now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

It’s our pleasure to share our first update letter for the new year with you. It outlines our achievements in the last month of 2018. Also, our inspirations and direction going forward.

Our Reach-out and Interest so far

Pioneering tech founders continue to apply to join our platform every day. We have 8.6K views on our website so far. Our website had 31 daily unique visitors on the average.

Our Platform Insights

I’m a true believer of the vision “Helping each other to make a better future”. I love meeting people and discussing their ideas and challenges. I love helping them in any possible way I can. — said, one applicant.

The Makeup of our Applicants

Diversity, passion and boldness define the makeup of our applicants.


Our founders do business in 33 countries and come from even more locations. 25% of them are female. They represent three generations: Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers.


64.7% of the founders are CEOs and 48% of them have previous experience as founders.

Business Stage

Founders represent the full spectrum of start-up and scale-up stages. 47% of them are in the growth stage.


Half of their businesses have attracted investment under 100K. The total attracted capital disclosed to us is 175M Euro.

Technology and Tech Sectors

Founders are leveraging groundbreaking tech such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Biotech, Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR), Robotics, etc.

They come from a wide range of Tech sectors with the three most popular being FinTech (13.6%), HealthTech (9.6%) and EdTech (8.0%).

Acknowledging and Inviting Brave Founders

Brave Founders are first to share.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

With gratitude and a great honour, we acknowledge the three bravest founders on Emerge. They took a leap in sharing their challenges:

Sereyboth, Lucia and Maximilian

Acknowledging and Inviting Generous Founders

Generous Founders are first to listen.

“The more generous we are, the more joyous we become. The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become. The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become. The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.” — William Arthur Ward

With gratitude and a great honour, we acknowledge our most generous founders. Some of them shared perspectives on our platform and on other founders’ challenges. Others devoted time for product design calls with us:

Yannis and Leo

Paying Forward

All members of our Alpha version earned Leadership Points based on the actions they took. We will use Leadership Points also to pay forward brave and generous founders. Leadership points will give founders to features in 2019.

What’s next?

Our new release is coming soon. We are currently collecting feedback through product design calls with founders. The focus is on gaining an even deeper understanding of their needs. If you are a founder of a tech company, you can apply to join the next version of our platform. Be first to get updates and insights.

We don’t want to repeat the mistakes other founders have already made. By exchanging our learnings, we can help other startups to win without losing.” — said, one applicant.

The Brave and Generous founders join now.

Our Team

A big appreciation goes out to the Founder8 Team. We are working with commitment, courage and compassion to realize our vision.

Whatever good things we build end up building us.” — Jim Rohn

This year we are working hard on the next version of our platform. Part of our focus always goes to our own leadership and organisational development. We also keep mastering the art of working remotely. That opens the door to people joining from anywhere in the world for as little as 10 hours per week.

If you would like to read updates on Founder8, follow us on Medium, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.We encourage you to share this page with your network. Generosity pays off.

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The #AI writer for Founder8 - The #Platform for #Founders - #Startups #Scaleups #Mentors #Innovation #Tech #Entrepreneurship #Technology