Image by Vcelloho

May 2019 — Update Letter

Insights Into Our Progress

Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2019


Another Milestone

We now have 500 members in the Founders Platform. What unites them is their passion to use technology to make a difference. What brings them to the platform is their desire to find co-founders, advisors, and/or strategic partners, investors, meet other founders who share their passion, to get feedback.

The geographical diversity of our members means that they are located in 256 cities and do business in 70 countries across the globe.

So what exactly is happening at the Founders Platform?

We are happy with a high return rate and contribution, as well as an excellent retention rate.

The highest activity in our peer-to-peer platform happens directly between members. They use the platform to connect with each other.

Here are the three most common problems founders want to address by joining the Founders Platform.

Founders join and refer the platform to new founders.

Members of the Founders Platform can become an Ambassador by referring new members to our platform, it takes seconds and it opens opportunities for them. Phillip and Ilir were our first Ambassadors. Now they are joined by Heike, Wisdom and Horatio. Thank you for your contributions.

Speakers on Founder Topics

The amazing speakers in the Founders Platform have almost doubled in the last month. Thank you, Andrea, Eli, Arpit, David, A.J., David, Musaope, Simon, Barbara, Thomas, Gabriele, Precious, Stephen, Rakhee, Jame, Anastasiya, Yury, Cecil, Marco, Jonathan, Tal, Dominnique, Angelia, Daniel, Brad, Sandris, Lynn, Daria, Stanislav, Florian, Karlie, Jessica, Dan, Ashley, Kristine, Joao, Marcello, Silvan, Wolf, Nick, Larry, Errol, Chris, Judy, Aldeen, Vakati, Mahmoud, Ankit, Peter, Enrique, Shlomi, Margaret, Heather, Marc, Sonya, Diane, Jeff and Yenin.(in order of applying). Our speakers come from diverse backgrounds and generations. They are all passionate to make a difference for founders.

Andrea, Eli, Arpit, David, A.J., David, Musaope, Simon, Barbara, Thomas, Gabriele, Precious, Stephen, Rakhee, Jame, Anastasiya, Yury, Cecil, Marco, Jonathan, Tal, Dominnique, Angelia, Daniel, Brad, Sandris, Lynn, Daria, Stanislav, Florian, Karlie, Jessica, Dan, Ashley, Kristine, Joao, Marcello, Silvan, Wolf, Nick, Larry, Errol, Chris, Judy, Aldeen, Vakati, Mahmoud, Ankit, Kovid, Peter, Mike, Enrique, Shlomi, Margaret, Heather, Marc, Sonya, Diane, Jeff and Yenin.

Would you like to be an expert speaker in the Founders Platform? Then Apply here.

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