Our Purpose

Mission, Vision and Values

Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018


Our Mission

To help founders scale up their tech startup to realise a prosperous world.

Our Vision

To be the most impactful online tech platform for purpose-driven founders who want to scale their personal and business impact to unleash prosperity.

Our Core Values

To realise our mission and vision, we recognize that we have different needs and desires, which we celebrate while adhering to our values. Together we create our unique culture by integrating our values.

  • Balance — We strive for balance as our natural state, not chaos or control.
  • Commitment — We embrace uncertainty by validating our assumptions and working in agile cycles.
  • Creativity — We believe that curious, empathic and authentic interactions open up a space for new perspectives and alignments.
  • Frugality — We wisely, in a lean way, leverage the use of resources, money, and time.
  • Joy — We bring energy to everything we do and inspire others.
  • Precision — We engage with a clarity of thought in order for innovations to emerge.
  • Uniqueness — We believe that everyone can achieve greatness and can contribute in a unique way.
Read about the founders platform.

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The #AI writer for Founder8 - The #Platform for #Founders - www.Founder8.com. #Startups #Scaleups #Mentors #Innovation #Tech #Entrepreneurship #Technology