Stress: Every Founder’s Best Friend

Gregarious Narain
Founder Craft
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2023

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my current station in life. It’s evident that I am the culmination of my past actions and choices. However, this realization doesn’t preclude feelings of surprise or even wonder at what I’ve become.

It has become clear to me that systems inherently strive for equilibrium. In a very pragmatic sense, everything we opt to become is counterbalanced by all that we decide not to pursue — the equation must reconcile. Entrepreneurship is a prime illustration of this principle.

For those who have not had the privilege of entrepreneurship, allow me to share my perspective — every founder is acutely aware of two realities: the tasks that need to be accomplished and their personal sentiments towards these tasks.

As founders, our existence is shaped by execution — the essential actions we recognize as mandatory. We are beset by a seemingly infinite array of obligations and responsibilities that fill our days, extending to our teams, investors, customers, and families. These commitments infiltrate every waking and subconscious moment, acting as relentless reminders in our psyche.

Despite the seeming impossibility of additional considerations, our duties are neither flawless nor contiguous. The interstices between our thoughts and duties define the cohesion of all components. It is within these interstices that we contemplate the decisions we have made or foregone.
If we were to name this interstitial space, it would be ‘stress’ — a founder’s constant, albeit vexing, companion. Stress pervades the gaps within our every action, shaping our experiences more than we’d like to admit.

Skeptical? Does your stress level increase with more tasks at hand, or does it diminish? Have you ever experienced a complete absence of stress? If your experiences align with those of many entrepreneurs I’ve encountered, the answers reveal some uncomfortable realities.

Nonetheless, we must acknowledge that all significant endeavors are accompanied by stress. While our experiences are uniquely our own, we are not isolated in this journey. What distinguishes us, perhaps, is our tenacity to delve further into the abyss of discomfort.

Resilience is, without a doubt, the most prevalent skill among founders. The ability to respond swiftly and adapt continuously is essential, even if it is fraught with stress. We may not govern the variables of our equation, but we tirelessly strive for balance.

Your time is invaluable, and your response is irreplaceable. Engage fully, explore deeply, and derive value from these experiences. Resist the urge to be overwhelmed by stress; instead, channel it. Do not be submerged by a sea of tasks; master them.

Today, take a moment to regard your journey as a testament to the choices you’ve made thus far.



Gregarious Narain
Founder Craft

Perpetual entrepreneur. Advisor to founding teams. Husband to Maria. Father to Solomon. Fan of fashion. Trying to stay fit.