Can Writing Short Novels Be a Way to Write Novels Faster AND Address Readers’ Short Attention Spans?

Rick Bowers
Founders 411X


Image of a man sawing a book in half. Image produced using Midjourney.
Image produced using Midjourney

I first wrote two of my novels as screenplays that were each somewhere between 90 to 110 pages.

Then, after writing the screenplays, I decided that I might as well turn them into novels that I could publish as ebooks.

In making the conversion, I could have gone all out and added a lot of description, which is quite common in novels.

I could have talked about the

color of the flowers in the fields

the interior of the cars people were driving

the color of the pants and shirts everyone was wearing

what a convertible looks like

and on and on and on.

Instead, I decided to write the novels more like two-hour movies than 700-page books. That means I didn’t add as much description and left it to readers to imagine many things for themselves.


Well, a while back I read something about writing in the past and writing today that made me think.



Rick Bowers
Founders 411X

Rick Bowers is the founder of EurekaVision ( and Founders 411X ( He is a communications consultant, ghostwriter & publisher.