How to Acquire Clients or Customers: Strategy 1: Publish a Book

Rick Bowers
Founders 411X
3 min readJun 23, 2024


When someone publishes a book on a subject, many people immediately see them as an expert. Image produced using Midjourney

Publishing a book is one of the best strategies for acquiring clients or customers for many business owners.

If you’ve heard of Jack Canfield, Robert Kiyosaki, Seth Godin and Tony Robbins, you may already know that this is true.

It’s well known that writing books and articles has changed their lives and made them rich — or much richer!

Their books and other written materials have opened all kinds of doors for them.

They’ve gotten clients or customers that pay them huge speaking, coaching or mentoring fees. Anything they publish is snatched up by eager buyers. Their workshops can earn millions in profits.

It’s clear: Publishing books and articles can be a money-making machine for some business owners.

Publishing a book can establish you as an expert — a leader in your field or industry. Someone who commands attention.

If others see you as an authority, an expert and a winner, they will want to know your secrets. And they’ll be willing to pay to learn those secrets. They’ll also be willing to pay for anything you want to sell, whether it’s books, videos, courses, mentoring, coaching or T-shirts.

You won’t need lead magnets for your business. You will be the lead magnet.

In some cases, it can truly be marketing gone mad. Marketing on legal steroids. And when it works, it can work 24/7.

“But I’m too busy to write a book or articles,” you say?


Fortunately, you don’t have to.

The strategy I’m suggesting is not necessarily writing a book but PUBLISHING a book.

If you can write it yourself, that’s great. However, if you don’t have the time, a ghostwriter can write it for you.

Of course, he or she will need to interview you and learn about your life and thinking, but that’s mainly just you talking.

The ghostwriter will organize and write it all in a way that tells your story and gives readers what they want.

It’s an investment in yourself and your business that can pay off for years to come. It could be a new beginning — a new infusion of success — for you.

Think about it, and decide whether this strategy might work for you.

If so, don’t wait.

The sooner you start, the sooner you can reap the rewards.

Rick Bowers is a professional ghostwriter with more than three decades of writing experience. Visit EurekaVision Premier Ghostwriting to find out how he can help you achieve more success and make more money with your books and articles.

Rick Bowers

I mostly write to help founders of businesses and nonprofit organizations succeed.

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Coming Next: Strategy 2 for Acquiring Clients or Customers



Rick Bowers
Founders 411X

Rick Bowers is the founder of EurekaVision ( and Founders 411X ( He is a communications consultant, ghostwriter & publisher.