Use the Targeted Rocket Strategy to Get Valuable Customer & Client Leads

Rick Bowers
Founders 411X


Person riding a rocket to the moon. Image produced using Midjourney
Image produced using Midjourney

If you’ve started a business, you need customers or clients to purchase your products or services.

And you need them fast.

Unfortunately, as you’ve probably discovered, they’re not always knocking on the door and are not always easy to find.

So, unless you already have a great email list, a following on social media, a directory of your ideal customers/clients, a sales team, or some other method of finding them, such as paid advertising, it won’t bode well for your business.

That’s why you should consider what I call the “Rocket to the Moon” strategy as a way to reach them.

How It Works

In this strategy, the “moon” is your ideal customers/clients, and the “rocket” is the vehicle you will ride to reach the moon.

The rocket is any method that another person or company already has that can provide access to your ideal customer/client. This might be an email list, a newsletter, a social media following, or any connection to your target audience.

For example, an established graphic design agency might already have a large email list of clients and potential clients who might also be interested in your writing service.



Rick Bowers
Founders 411X

Rick Bowers is the founder of EurekaVision ( and Founders 411X ( He is a communications consultant, ghostwriter & publisher.