Founders Should Have A Mental Health Framework

Here’s one, from a psychologist turned founder.

Martin Delaney
Founders’ Hustle


Thanks to Tengyart for the image.

Mental health is one of the most overlooked areas of productivity optimization for entrepreneurs.

A lot’s been said about the mechanics of building a startup (MVPs, fundraising, customer acquisition, etc) but the driving force making it all happen, a founder’s brain, gets relatively little attention.

Small investments in this area can have outsized results in terms of energy, problem-solving, ideation, stamina, and communication.

As I recently wrote:

I believe the single most important ingredient for long-term success is how you feel psychologically.

For that reason, I aim to return to the subject regularly.

Today, I’m looping in Silja Litvin, CEO and Founder of PsycApps, who is both a mental health expert and intensely driven entrepreneur with an inspirational story.

Here she is:

Image supplied by author.

What is PsycApps?

A UK-based startup best known for eQuoo.

