When to Quit Your Job and Take Your Side Hustle Full-Time

Timing is critical. I almost resigned six months too early.

Martin Delaney
Founders’ Hustle


Thanks to Will Truettner | Unsplash for the image.

Since you’re reading this I’m going to assume two things.

First, you have a “9–5 job” (full-time occupation) that takes up most hours of the working day.

Second, you have a side hustle you want to take full-time. It has some traction, but not enough to support you financially to survive.

This is a frustrating situation to be in. As you’ve likely come to realize, deciding when to quit your 9–5 job isn’t clear cut.

It’s not like one day you launched a side hustle and the next you’re making enough to pay yourself a living wage. There’s a long in-between “finding your feet” period that’s super tough to get through.

Once you’ve achieved even a little bit of traction your side project starts to become real in your mind. It feels like it’s been validated.

Then, you put pressure on yourself to take it full-time. This starts long before it generates meaningful revenue and amplifies over time as growth continues.

From then on it always feels like your side hustle is perpetually “close” to taking off. If only you could pursue it with all of your effort and attention now it would be a…

