9+ Things Small Medium Businesses Should Be Thinking of In 2021–2023 — Lead Sponsored by BJ Mannyst

“According to numerous polls and surveys of small and medium-sized businesses (“SMB”) owners feel their outlook for 2021 as optimistic despite the tremendous impact of COVID-19 on their business. “ — Source Unknown

If I and the BJ Mannyst team could make one top 2021 suggestion, apart from the below list, to the freelancers, founders, professionals, startups, small medium businesses (SMB) / small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is do everything in your power to get a whole lot more quality diverse support around you in 2021 onward.

2020 was a fucking reminded not to take anything for granted. And it was a huge reminder that social capital is still very crucial for survival. It was a reminder to build social capital like you’d build a fucking bridge.

As 2021 rolls in, keep thinking about the following below and if your credible micro business / credible SMB or SME or credible founder needs to explore solutions to challenges give us a shout. info@foundersunder40.com . We may be able to assist and connect you to partners or a great peer in Finance, HR, Accountants, Marketing, Sales, Coaching, Software Developers, Website Developers, AI/ML, Training, etc

The fact is there will be some ounce of desperation, anger, pain, frustration, innovation, ruthlessness, unfairness as we tread into a new year. I and BJ Mannyst team just hope many of you realize that winning in monopoly still leaves you a little empty inside.

I and the BJ Mannyst Team and Founders Under 40™ Group Team + GreatestFounders.com want to thank you Freelancers, Founders, Entrepreneurs,Venture Capitalist, Angels, CEO, CMO, CIO, CTO,Sponsors, etc

Thank you to all 30, 000+ founders and members that have stayed loyal to us for the past several years. Thank You, Please Have A Grateful New Year!

The following insights will be invaluable as you prepare for the next three years, post 2020 covid-19 era, of your personal and business journey. As always message Emmanuel “Manny” Omikunle via info[at]bjmannyst.com / LinkedIn or contact Jenn (jenn[at]bjmannyst.com / jenn[at]foundersunder40.com) if you need startup and SMB / SME assistance like getting a diverse perspective.

P.S. if you are planing to start an ecommerce business, checkout this ecommerce book on Amazon called “How To Make Sure Your Ecommerce Just Succeeds

You, Founders & Leaders, have a chance to make a lasting positive difference on many lives in and out of your community during & post covid19. — Emmanuel “Manny” Omikunle of BJ Mannyst (https://home.bjmannyst.com)




Henry Hawk
Founders Insights

Hello everyone. Just sharing some interesting material. Let me know what you think. Some content are not my handy work.