Ladies Who Lift Heavy

Tatjana Mesar
Founder’s Training
3 min readJan 4, 2024

If you identify as a woman, you’ve likely encountered the myth that lifting heavy weights will result in bulky muscles, diminishing your femininity. But let’s be real, developing significant muscle mass is not a walk in the park, especially for women who have significantly lower testosterone levels compared to men.

So why are we bombarded with marketing campaigns promoting light pink dumbbells for women, reinforcing the idea that we should stick to “light” exercises? These stereotypes limit our potential and hinder us from fully embracing weightlifting and reaping its numerous benefits. As someone with a classical music education that emphasized preserving my hands, I allowed these notions to hold me back from exploring the world of weightlifting for far too long.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

During the first lockdown, being stuck in my Berlin apartment, I found myself seeking something new to distract me from my thoughts and anxieties. That’s when I stumbled upon an online kettlebell training group. It turned out to be an incredible community of diverse women who delighted in lifting heavy and approached it with humor. And just like that, I fell in love with it too!

Strength training delivered on all its promises: not only did it enhance my overall physical fitness, but it also boosted my metabolism and had a profound impact on my mental resilience and focus. I found that lifting weights made meditation easier, helping me gain clarity on how to transition my yoga school into the online realm since yoga studios had to stay closed indefinitely. This newfound passion for swinging the kettlebells became a lifeline.

Pink dumbbells everywhere

But do you know what pink dumbbells represent to me now? They symbolize the internalized societal norms that confine heterosexual women to specific, narrowly defined constraints of femininity. Many women fear stepping outside these boundaries, as they worry about losing the social currency associated with being perceived as “feminine” or as a “good woman.” This struggle is even more challenging in traditional and patriarchal societies like Croatia.

In my business mentoring sessions, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the pink dumbbell myth impacts some of my female mentees. They possess extensive knowledge in their fields but struggle to speak up or assert themselves. They find it challenging to put themselves out there in marketing or even accept that their business is intended to make money. Some fear that earning a significant income would disrupt traditional family dynamics where men are expected to earn more (a “masculine trait”) while women are encouraged to be modest in financial matters (a “feminine trait”).

Venus weightlifting club photo

Fortunately, the internalized pink dumbbell myth can be dismantled. Women can choose to lift heavy, both in the gym and in their business endeavors, breaking free from these constraints. They can embrace their strength, challenge societal expectations, and revel in the sweat and triumph that comes with shattering glass ceilings.

Shattering the glass ceiling

Venturing into new business endeavors demands audacity. A perfect business plan and being a dutiful student or a “good girl” simply won’t cut it. To navigate the inner and outer wilderness of entrepreneurship, unapologetic confidence in one’s abilities and a realistic assessment of strengths are essential. Unfortunately, women often face additional barriers when venturing into business.

In Croatia, despite the growth of female entrepreneurship, securing funding remains a formidable challenge for women. Statistical data indicates that women-owned businesses receive a disproportionately smaller share of venture capital investments compared to their male counterparts. Furthermore, women often have limited access to networking events and industry connections, which are vital for business growth. Bridging this gap and creating inclusive networks for female entrepreneurs is crucial in fostering their success in the business landscape.

By challenging societal expectations, embracing our strength, and supporting one another, women can continue to thrive and succeed as entrepreneurs — one heavy lift at a time.

