Interview: How Did Authoring A Book Impact Your Business?

Jerome Knyszewski
22 min readDec 19, 2022


In today’s digital age, many people believe that writing a book is no longer an effective way to build authority and expertise in the business world. However, authoring a book can have a significant impact on businesses of all sizes. In this interview series, we talked to those who have their books published and ask them about the impact of the book on their business.

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Gloria Rand

Title: The Light Messenger

Company: Web to Wealth Marketing



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

If you have a message to share that you believe will positively impact someone’s life, you owe it to them to get that book written! I feel proud and humbled whenever I hear kind words about my book from a reader. It’s gratifying to know that the message I shared in my book has made a positive difference in people’s lives.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

My book provided me with a framework to use when I coach clients. It gave me talking points to use when I appear on podcasts. And it has enabled me to sell my services because people perceive me as an expert. My book has also served as a useful marketing tool because I display it prominently behind me whenever I appear on Zoom for networking events, my own podcast that I host, and when I’m guesting on other shows. I’ve sold the book directly at trade shows and have used it as a freebie at networking meetings.

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Barry Mahaer

Title: Principal

Company: Barry Maher & Associates



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

The first is the hardest. But keep plugging a little a day and you’ll be amazed at how soon you have a book-length manuscript. The you re-write and re-write until you have the best possible book-lenght manuscript.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

My books CREATED my business. I was a part time writer, a salesperson, then executive until the day, B. Dalton Booksellers took out a large display ad for my new book in The Wall Street Journal. That day a meeting planner called me up and asked me to keynote a major tradeshow. The fee for a one hour presentation was more than a third of what I’d been paid to write the book. Nowadays I’m a full time speaker (and still part time writer) on leadership, communications, management and sales.

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Robyn Graham

Title: Owner and CEO

Company: Robyn Graham, LLC



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Grab a pen and paper, or your computer, and start writing. Never doubt that your expertise is needed, despite the appearance that someone else has already covered the topic. Your journey is unique and your experiences have led you right to where you are today to be able to serve others in a way that only you can help them. If you feel the nudge in your heart to write and publish a book, the time is now. People are waiting for you to share your story and expertise. It’s never too late. Where there is a story to tell or expertise to be shared, there is an impact to be made.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Authoring a book opened many doors for podcast interviews, speaking engagements, and participation in Summits for entrepreneurs. Since publishing my book I have interviewed on numerous podcasts to share how entrepreneurs can navigate anxiety and had several speaking engagements including as the keynote speaker at a health and wellness conference. Each audience I have had the opportunity to speak to, whether via podcast interview or from a stage or online platform, has included my soulmate clients. Being able to present as an authority in my area of expertise has led to numerous discovery calls and new clients. Most importantly, I have been able to inspire others on how to navigate anxiety and take intentional action to start and grow their businesses to have a meaningful impact and to help create a ripple effect of good in the world while making money as an entrepreneur.

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Rick Lauber

Title: Published Book Author / Freelance Writer

Company: Self-employed



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Believe in your book idea, contact reputable book publishers with a well-crafted proposal, seek out support (e.g. a writer’s group or a mentor), hire a lawyer to review your publishing contract, and don’t give up.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Authoring a book not only impacted my business but also launched a new (and very unexpected business). As a freelance writer, I had long been writing articles for newspaper, magazine, and on-line markets but this changed when my parents grew older. As Mom and Dad aged, I became their co-caregiver and helped and supported however I could. Handling new responsibilities, finding balance, and watching helplessly as my parents declined proved to be challenging and stressful and I found that journaling proved to be an effective coping mechanism. Following my parent’s deaths, I continued to write and realized that I could likely help other prospective, new, and current caregivers by sharing my own experience and what I had learned. This idea developed into the creation of my two published caregiving guidebooks.

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Sandra Nomoto

Title: The Content Doctor

Company: The Content Doctor



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

A book will automatically raise your visibility and credibility, so long as you do a proper marketing campaign to put it out there. Anyone can publish a book nowadays but you have to market it properly if you want it to support your business. Also, it’s a source of evergreen content for your business.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

I’m still in the middle of my book launch phase, but having written the world’s first vegan marketing book (Vegan Marketing Success Stories) I can tell you that it’s raised my visibility and authority as a writer and marketer in the vegan industry.

My hope is that when vegan businesses are looking for support with marketing or written content, or authors need someone to help them publish their book, I’ll be top of mind.

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Matthew Burr

Title: Owner

Company: Burr Consulting LLC



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

I finished a third book in November 2022, start and work at it 1-hour each day. I finished the book in under 4-weeks.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

You become an expert in the topic you write on. This is a second book.

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Rebecca Newenham

Title: Founder & Mentor

Company: Get Ahead



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

“I would encourage anyone considering publishing a book to go for it. It’s one of the best decisions I ever made.”

How did authoring a book impact your business?

“Publishing my book has had a direct impact on my business. It has become a highly effective marketing tool for prospective franchisees. Regional Director for Oxfordshire, Vicky, read the book and subsequently decided to become a franchisee, so I can directly link it to an increase in revenue.

I firmly believe it has shown me as credible and boosted my PR profile. It’s also a huge personal achievement that I am immensely proud of and has boosted my confidence.”

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Helaine Fendelman

Title: Owner of firm and chief executive office

Company: Helaine Fendelman & Associates

Linkedin: Helaine Fendelman

What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Write a well-written interesting book which will appeal to a mass audience. Do your own pr. Find lecture venues. Send out press releases to advertise yourself and your book and your availablity to lecture, advise and assist.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Authoring books on a variety of subjects in the arts and antiques field has given me credibility for my profession. Those who have specific collections which include the subjects for which I have written call upon me to assist in insuring, selling or donating their collections. By writing for national newspapers and magazines, I have gained additional credibility as a knowledgeable resource for those interested in expanding their knowledge about their collections. I do receive inquiries from throughout the world as to what the individual owns and what is the value of that object. When I do not know the answer to those questions, I find them someone appropriate to assist them.

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Mike Cundall

Title: Professor/Consultant/Speaker

Company: Mirth Management



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Hire a content editor as well as someone to a grammar/spelling edit.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

My book published in May of 2022, so it hasn’t been out that long, so I can’t say that it has not been helpful, but it hasn’t had the effects that I would want. It’s very difficult to know exactly how to market these sorts of things. It used to be that the publishers would help, if only in a small way, but they don’t do that for most authors. In fact, when I was looking to get the book published I was told that unless I had a following of 20K+ on some social media platform, I wouldn’t even really get the time of day from companies. My experience is that this is true. My hope is that I can drive sales and revenue the more I do speaking gigs, the more I work with companies, because often having the book is a requirement. It was a lot of work, very humbling, and I would do it again. It’s just hard sometimes because social media is so saturated, that it’s difficult to see how you might break through. People who don’t seemingly have the skills or background to make statements get big followings, while the others who do, struggle to get traction in the social media world.

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Angela Bell

Title: Founder & CEO

Company: The Inspired & Profitable Mompreneur



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

It’s not easy, but it’s worth it! While this sounds cliché, writing a book teaches you a lot about yourself and your business. It helps you get more clear on you messaging and more confident in your knowledge and expertise. It introduces you to new networks and groups of people and expands your potential reach. Know that it will be challenging, and that you will be able to rise to the challenge.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Author a book had a fantastic impact on my business. Not only did it increase my network, reach and audience; it also taught me a lot and provided growth opportunities.

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Jeremy Britton

Title: CFO

Company: Boston



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Start by writing a daily business journal, a weekly newsletter or monthly blog. Once you have around 40–50 pages, you can start to flesh out the ideas with stories (change the names for privacy!) and assist others to learn valuable lessons from your expertise or your clients’ mistakes. Authoring a book is the first step to becoming an authority, and leaving a legacy that lives beyond your grandchildren.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

My first book was a passion project and a love letter to my grandfather. Having left school to fight for his country in WW2, he never became educated about stocks and shares or investing. Some of his peers made millions because they knew how.

I did not seek to become a best-seller, but people loved the simple style of simplified stock education for those who did not finish high school. The book was passed around and eventually won a Money Magazine award.

I was invited to speak on stage and sell copies of my book, so I did. Readers begged me to start a business based on the principles in the book, so I borrowed $5000 and started a company. Five years later, someone offered me six figures for the business I was running part-time. I accepted, took the money and wrote another book.

If you have a passion for something, and want to help people, becoming an author or speaker is still the best way to have your message impact the greatest majority of people. Even major celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Warren Buffett, Sir Richard Branson and Billy Idol have either written books or had books ghost-written for them.

It truly is a legacy that lasts a lifetime, and a gift that keeps on giving for decades. Plus, you can get paid thousands of times for a few hours of work. What’s not to love?

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Lynne Rowe

Title: Business Owner

Company: Knit Crochet Create



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

If you dream of being the go-to person in your niche, then I would recommend authoring a book. It’s one of the best ways to become accepted as a reliable and knowledgable expert who can be trusted. The pride that you feel when you see your book in layout, ready for printing, is immense. The feeling of pride and accomplishment continues as a book starts to sell and become popular and often one book deal leads to another, so it’s a path that definitely worth walking along. Whilst it can be hard work and deadline driven, seeing your work in print is worth every step.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

As a small business in a competitive sector, one of the best things I have achieved is being known as a book author, and this has had a huge impact on my small business, in the most positive way, and especially with my reputation, visibility and audience growth.

I have authored a number of knitting and crochet titles including Amazon best seller ‘The Sock Knitting Bible’ with publishers David and Charles. Having my books published has helped in the following ways:
1. I’m seen as a reliable and knowledgeable expert in the knitting and crochet sector.
2. I’m seen as one the ‘go-to’ people in my field and the demand for my knowledge and services increases with each book published.
3. Authoring one book led to another book deal, and then another, and so on, which in turn has helped to increase my online visibility and reputation with my knitting and crochet audience.
4. When people buy my books, they will usually come and join my social media communities or subscribe to my website, which in turns builds my audience and online communities.
5. After buying one of my books, people often buy other patterns and products from me too.
6. The knowledge and experience of book publishing helps me to mentor others who dream of writing craft books. I do this through my mentoring programme for knitting and crochet designers, so that they have the confidence and knowledge to pursue a book deal or to author and publish their own book.
7. I use the reviews that people leave across the various selling platforms, to reinforce my authority and to encourage others to buy my books.
8. Having a variety of books published has increased the demand for my services in terms of designing and technical editing for magazines and book publishers.
Overall, the benefits of being a book author has helped me to grow my business, gain new contracts and increase my reputation within the knitting and crochet sector.

My published books include:
Once Upon A Time in Crochet (Search Press)
Knit Yourself Calm (Search Press)
Twenty to Make — Mandalas (Search Press)
Fairytale Blankets (Search Press)
The Sock Knitting Bible (David and Charles)
Fun Hats to Knit (Search Press)

I’m currently in the process of authoring two more titles — one knitting and the other crochet, which is really exciting.

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Jodi Brandstetter

Title: Co-Founder

Company: Influence Network Media



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Every business person has a book inside them! Some leaders want to write to grow their business, others to open doors for speaking opportunities, podcast appearances, gain a national presence, leave a legacy, or maybe even to accomplish a bucket list item! We simplified the process — helping authors utilize their book as a vessel to career success.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

When I took a leap and became an entrepreneur, I realized that I needed to show my credibility to potential clients. My resume no longer was the tool to help me get a job. I no longer was looking for a corporate role but looking for a company to hire me as a consultant. I needed to put my intellectual property into a container so that I could share my expertise and knowledge with my ideal clients. This would help them see me as the expert that I am. So I decided to write a book. I was able to highlight my expertise and knowledge plus what separated me from other consultants in my book. By always thinking about my ideal client, I was able to write my book for them. Once I published the book and made it an Amazon Bestseller, I had the vessel to help me find my ideal clients. And it worked! All business opportunities that came my way after my book was published were my ideal clients. Did all of the become my client? No, but that was ok! I saw the power of sharing my expertise through a book to help my consulting company thrive. This also helped me see that I could help others with publishing a book and reaping the rewards of new business from that book.

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Steve Morgan

Title: Freelance SEO Consultant

Company: Morgan Online Marketing



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Go for it! It can be a great way to get onto people’s radar, and to showcase your knowledge and expertise. In addition to earning money from book sales, it should help you to gain new clients/customers for your main business, too. In fact, it’ll probably help more on the latter front anyway (i.e. there’s more chance that it’ll help you to gain new clients/customers more than recoup its own costs) — at least that’s the case with many other authors I know, i.e. they’re more focused on using the book to try to get new clients/customers through it, than they are necessarily trying to get more book sales.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

I’m a freelance SEO consultant who wrote and self-published a book giving advice to freelancers (and other business owners) who hate networking and sales. It’s called “Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales” and it came out in March 2019.

Because it’s primarily aimed at freelancers, I was invited to speak at a few events (such as Freelance Heroes Day) and on podcasts (such as the Being Freelance podcast) — which not only helped to promote the book (and resulted in a few more sales for it), but also promoted my freelance business to their audiences. For example, in both those aforementioned communities, there’s a lot of business owners who may need someone to help them with SEO, or they may run a type of business where their clients need SEO help (e.g. if they’re a freelance web designer or a freelance copywriter). So the book has not only sold copies in its own right, but it’s helped my freelance business, too.

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Hanna Olivas

Title: CEO and Co-Founder She Rises Studios

Company: She Rises Studios

Linkedin: @SheRisesStudios


What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Be thoughtful about what you want to say to the world. Make sure what you write is authentic to your brand.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

“Writing a book gives experts, CEO’s, Founders a leg up over their competitors in the same space. Becoming an author brands them an expert and/or thought leader in their respected field or industry. It also gives them a platform to be a speaker based on the topics written in their respected books. Additionally, it enables them to expand their reach to other audiences thereby increasing their following which will only help their business.”

“When we began She Rises Studios we created a publishing arm for clients. I myself as the CEO wrote my own books and chapters for anthology books. Leading by example and showing my own vulnerability on particular topics and expertise created exponential growth for the business in just two short years. . We had a 300 percent growth rate. Also, we went from 2 employees to nearly 50 — creating more jobs for people and increasing their livelihood.”

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Chip LaFleur

Title: CEO/Founder

Company: LaFleur



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Research your audience. I’m a big believer in design thinking, so we start major projects (like a book) with research and empathy mapping.

What are people’s pain points? What are they thinking, hearing, saying, and doing? How might your book help solve their issues and meet their needs?” If you take a human-centered approach– rather than focusing on your own interests and ego– you’ll be much more successful.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Authoring a book alone didn’t have an impact– authoring a book that met an unmet need did. We boosted our authority and reach by providing meaningful information that our audience could implement themselves. We’re regularly contacted by people who love the book and now want to work with us.

We’ve also given copies of the book to people we’ve met at conferences and trade shows. It’s not uncommon for them to come back the next day with questions based on what they’ve read. The book builds trust and deepens relationships.

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Amanda McDowell

Title: Author

Company: Self Brand



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Do it. You have the power to explain, tell, or teach what you know. To tell the story only YOU know how to tell. You are unique — there’s no doubt. Your vision, your voice, your experiences have made you the authority of your own life. Nobody can tell your story or your point of view other than you. And, just maybe you’ll be able to connect to someone out there and make them feel seen.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Becoming an author has helped my personal brand enormously. Just since my book was published my niche of ideal customers or guests have been more likely to open or answer messages, respond to content, be more organic and honest in their responses and feedback.

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JJ DiGeronimo

Title: Founder

Company: Tech Savvy Women



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Go for it but know it is a marathon and writing is only 1/2 the work. Surround yourself with great editors, a layout team, and marketing people that can help you with key pieces such as the strength of your book, titles, version control, the cover, and table of contents.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Books are a great way to capture your findings for others to see, review and use. It also creates a milestone in your career that lets you wrap up an area of focus or move on to the next chapter of business if you have your key points and work to date defined in a book. I have enjoyed using my books as tools to speak on a specific topic, participate in specific conversations and share my work with other interested parties.

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What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Authorship leads to new client acquisition along with various media placements and additional publicity, all having a synergistic effect and creating further business . opportunities.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Writing Branding Law: Cases and Materials established our firm as pioneers in a brand new field, while on a personal level, also demonstrating thought leadership as the managing attorney/founder of the firm.

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Karen Stevens

Title: CEO at W.I.T.C.H

Company: W.I.T.C.H



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Do it! It is not as difficult as you imagine and will be one of the most exhilarating experiences personally and professionally. It will help to secure your place as a leader and authority in your industry space and the possibilities and opportunities are endless once you have been published.

I genuinely believe that sharing your message, words and vision as an author is the best way to reach and inspire others and is your legacy to this world. Step up and be the leaders that this world needs.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Authoring a book had an enormous impact on my business and launched me into a strong position of authority and leadership, providing leverage within the highly competitive and over saturated spiritual wellness industry.

Since publishing my book WITCH: Woman In Total Control of Herself, I have grown my social media following exponentially and have increased revenue for my business. Authoring has also provided opportunities for interviews, connections and invitations to feature in books, magazines, speaking engagements and award nominations.

On a personal level, the biggest impact is the volume of women who have reached out because they have read the book and it has helped to change their lives. Some of these women have become clients and close friends.
My business has not only survived the pandemic it is thriving and growing all the time and I directly attribute this to the authoring and publishing of my book.

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Debbie Ausburn

Title: Partner

Company: Taylor English Duma LLP



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

You have a unique message that someone needs to hear. Put that message into words and get the book out where people can find it.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

In my legal practice, I advise youth-serving organizations such as childcare centers, mentoring organizations, and social service groups. My book about being a foster parent gave me credibility in the industry, letting my clients know that I understand their challenges on both personal and professional levels.

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Amy Clark

Title: Founder

Company: Growth Minded Leadership Group



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

Go all-in. There is a reason you are considering this. You have something to say and your perspective, even on topics already covered, is unique and people need to hear it.

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Authoring a book has helped me reinvent my purpose and solidified how the work I do as an HR Leader and Executive Coach inspire others to do the same. Those that have read the book have shared how it inspired them to create their plan for growth and these conversations have led to coaching engagements. I have also been provided several opportunities to share my work through podcasts, articles, interviews, and speaking opportunities, all expanding my reach and impact.

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Angelie Kapoor

Title: Founder/Career & Leadership Coach

Company: Oversight Global, LLC



What would you say to encourage someone who’s considering authoring their first book?

To someone who’s considering authoring their first book, I would say go for it! Follow the nudge & calling you are receiving. Writing a book is more than just creating a marketing tool. The journey that you go on in the writing & marketing process is such a transformational journey of growth & awareness. An experience that’s truly invaluable!

How did authoring a book impact your business?

Authoring my first book, ‘Mindset: The Power of the Mind — Fulfill Your Potential with a Mindset for Success’ has impacted my leadership coaching business by creating more opportunities for visibility through various interviews. It’s also a valuable tool in letting others get to know me, my expertise & my style in all one place.

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