Unraveling the AI Impact on Marketing: Candid Interviews with Thought Leaders

Jerome Knyszewski
28 min readMar 29, 2023


As AI continues to make waves in various industries, its impact on marketing has become a topic of great interest. In this thought-provoking article, we present candid interviews with thought leaders from the marketing world, who share their experiences and views on how artificial intelligence is reshaping the marketing landscape. Join us in unraveling the true potential of AI in marketing and what it means for the future.

The question we asked them was — What are the ways AI will change marketing? Please share your thoughts on the current impact of the AI tech leap we are experiencing.

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Selam Emiru

Title: Founder

Company: Glisen

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/selamemiru

AI is an incredible tool when coupled with marketing experts. Tasks that historically took teams hours to complete, such as online research, copy generation, and content creation, can now be almost mostly automated by AI, leaving humans to focus on adding value and brand differentiation. Another powerful aspect of AI is its incredible computing capability to process large amounts of data. In marketing , this can be used to forecast trends before they become apparent, thereby giving the brand/firm an edge over its competition.

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Mu’az zakariyya

Title: CEO

Company: guide media

Linkedin: mu’az idris zakariyya

AI has already had a significant impact on the field of marketing, and its influence is expected to continue growing in the coming years. Here are a few ways in which AI is changing marketing:

Personalization: AI-powered algorithms can analyze customer data to provide personalized product recommendations, messaging, and content. This can help increase customer engagement and loyalty, as customers are more likely to respond positively to messages that resonate with their interests and needs.

Automation: AI can automate repetitive tasks like data analysis, lead scoring, and customer segmentation, allowing marketers to focus on higher-level tasks like strategy and creative development.

Predictive Analytics: AI can help marketers make data-driven decisions by analyzing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns and trends. This can help marketers identify opportunities for growth and make more informed decisions about where to allocate resources.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can help automate customer support, providing quick and efficient responses to customer queries and freeing up time for marketers to focus on other tasks.

Content Creation: AI is being used to create and optimize content, from social media posts to blog articles. This can help improve content quality and engagement while also saving marketers time and resources.

Overall, the current impact of AI on marketing is significant and trans-formative, and its continued growth and development will likely bring about even more changes in the years to come.

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Maria Harutyunyan

Title: Co-founder at Loopex Digital

Company: Loopex Digital

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-harutyunyan

AI will profoundly change the way marketers personalize strategies based on customer data, allowing them to create hyper-targeted campaigns that focus on what their customers need and want. By recognizing patterns in customer behavior, AI can assist in making better decisions about how to shape messaging, when to send messages, and what content should be included. This ultimately leads to a more effective strategy for reaching consumers and encouraging interactions with brands.
AI can also enable companies to tailor personalized experiences for individual customers by quickly analyzing mountains of data – from website clicks, purchase histories, social media engagement, and reviews – creating valuable insights that enable businesses to better understand their audience’s needs while driving even more meaningful experiences. By understanding who each user is and why they do certain things online or offline at different times during the day or week, etc., marketers are able to create customized content, such as emails that generate strong responses from customers.

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Guna Kakulapati

Title: CEO / Co-Founder

Company: Cureskin

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guna-kakulapati-6981ba2

AI will revolutionize marketing by giving businesses more accurate and valuable customer insights, enabling more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns. With AI-powered analytics, companies can analyze vast amounts of data, including customer behavior, preferences, and demographics, to identify patterns and trends that inform marketing strategies. This will lead to more effective and efficient marketing campaigns, with personalized content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of individual customers. AI will ultimately transform marketing from a broad-based approach to a more precise and data-driven approach, delivering better business results and meaningful customer experiences.

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Maha Shahidi

Title: Founder/Owner

Company: Rizvan

Linkedin: N/A

Our business is already using AI to create content, develop marketing campaigns, and obtain very industry specific answers when it comes to the direction we should take.

When I happily developed the products for Rizvan, I wasn’t thinking of the many different hats I had to wear. One of our biggest pain points has been content creation, sales and marketing. It would take us days to create content all, research different sales angles/techniques based on different demographics, and even research a new segment to enter. AI allows us to get the right direction fast.

In fact, as I went along with ChatGPT, I noticed that there were areas I wasn’t at all familiar with and AI worked to give me certain answers and directions so specific to my niche industry that I had not considered before.

Although AI is not perfect, it acts as a good springboard. One thing I’m mindful and concerned about is how AI is used by my competition. Will they also use AI? Will our content and strategy be similar or identical? This thought makes me add my own spin to the content generated as being unique is important for my brand.

As for the future of AI, I’m very excited and looking forward to the tools that will inevitably be created for small boutique brands like ours, especially in imaging. Product photography is incredibly expensive and AI tools could save us thousands of dollars and time, but that tech isn’t perfect yet.

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Stefan Chekanov

Title: Co-Founder and CEO

Company: Brosix

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stchekanov/

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, AI is poised to revolutionize the way businesses approach digital marketing. With its ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, AI is transforming the way we understand and interact with customers.

AI algorithms can analyze customer data to create personalized experiences for each individual. By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, AI can make product recommendations, suggest personalized offers, and even create customized content that resonates with each customer.

AI can also use predictive analytics to forecast customer behavior, allowing businesses to anticipate their needs and preferences. This can help companies optimize their marketing strategies and improve their customer retention rates.

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends, patterns, and insights that humans might miss. By using machine learning algorithms to analyze data from various sources, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers, their preferences, and their behavior.

By providing businesses with powerful tools to analyze customer data, personalize experiences, and automate tasks, AI is transforming the way we interact with customers and driving new levels of engagement and customer loyalty. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the world of digital marketing.

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Danny Sattar

Title: CEO

Company: vvs Jewelry

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-sattar

I’m Danny, the founder and CEO of vvs Jewelry based in Canada. I’ve been leading my brand for the past 6 years which has definitely allowed me to develop a unique perspective on matters like this so I’d love to share my insight with you.

Getting closer to the customer

From what I have witnessed as a business owner, AI can increase customer personalization and precision in ways that weren’t previously possible by helping marketers with data collection, discovering new customer categories, and developing a more integrated marketing and analytics system. Companies can better customize their marketing messages to their target audience by combining customer data from several online and social media platforms. Each user can receive a more personalized ad experience thanks to AI, which can impact their shopping decisions and strengthen brand loyalty.

Predictable future trends

By analyzing social media posts and product reviews across various platforms, AI marketing can learn not only about customer behavior but also about popular culture and forecast future trends for product creation. For marketing and campaigns, social media has become a major arena. Marketers can forecast customer taste, preference, and need more accurately by using popular culture on social media as a reference, as well as how these indicators can sometimes evolve in the future. AI marketing can therefore assist human marketing representatives in forecasting future demand and supply and developing plans for new product development and advertising campaigns.

I hope this helps! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

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Alexandre Nossovskoi

Title: Principal

Company: Sixty Degree Capital

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrenossovskoi/

The sad truth is that marketers have always been undervalued and understaffed at virtually every organization because their value is often hard to measure. Marketers tend to resort to being a jack of all trades to stay relevant, and usually have to accomplish a lot with limited resources, from this perspective AI is truly a game changer. If you break up the core functions of a full-stack marketer into its component parts, ie. content creation (copywriting, collateral, articles etc), advertising (targeting, bidding, allocation), budgeting, price setting, customer and marketing analytics, research, and strategy, there are no areas where an embedded AI system won’t accelerate their work. For most tools, AI will be embedded at the product level, think OpenAI/Microsoft adding a “co-pilot” to every app in the office suite like PowerPoint, word etc, or Google now beta testing a version of Lambda/Bard that will be incorporated into their online office products, even Photoshop now allows Stable-diffusion image generation and editing and other capabilities right in the software. In the same way that analytics tools, with the right data and access, will be better at creating lookalike audiences, A/B testing different copy, or help filter out bot traffic. There will also be new standalone tools that help operationalize semi-automated content generation, mockups, and more. I think we’re still not at the point where fully autonomous agents will complete work on behalf of marketers. The biggest change, I think, will be that smart marketers will find creative ways to use AI-enabled to tools to help them develop novel strategies, or perform complex analyses without having the requisite data science or deep research expertise. Ultimately AI on its own isn’t a magic bullet, but deeply integrated into tools marketers already use, we’ll see a substantial increase in productivity, if only someone could solve the attribution problem, then we’d be set.

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Marty Ford

Title: President

Company: BulletpRoof Roof Systems Ltd.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marty-ford-0b74535b/

Transitioning from an era of paper and manual communication is no small change…I tell ya. AI has been both disruptive and a godsend for us in recent years. We’ve had front-row seats to watch younger companies use AI tools to enter competitive online positions on Google with far less time, effort and overall investment. Oftentimes they leave us scratching our heads. While we have built our own little nest egg in the form of reviews, maps and search positions which Google’s AI uses to put us in front of more customers. It actively markets our company to new search terms, service areas and even competing searches. Though it seems all like hocus-pocus to me, AI imaging may even revolutionize remote roof estimations in my lifetime. Where homes can be fully digitized, assessed and sent to the customer without ever leaving home. I understand it’s taking away jobs…but the efficiency is a hard one to beat

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Jared Floyd

Title: Founder/Executive Producer

Company: Ajax Creative


AI-powered chatbots represent a significant advancement in customer support for businesses. With the ability to provide 24/7 service, automate customer interactions, and enhance customer satisfaction and retention, chatbots are quickly becoming an essential component of modern customer service strategies. Chatbots utilize natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to customer inquiries, providing fast and accurate answers to common questions. This technology enables businesses to reduce response times, improve customer experiences, and increase customer loyalty. Chatbots can handle a high volume of customer inquiries simultaneously, freeing up customer support staff to focus on more complex issues. This automation can lead to cost savings for businesses and more efficient use of resources.

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Ian Rodda

Title: Chief Financial Officer

Company: Page One Formula

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianrrodda/

In my opinion, AI will change marketing in a few ways.

First, AI will help marketers use data to better target their audiences and create more personalized experiences for them. This is already happening today as marketers are able to collect data from users on their devices and use it to provide a better experience for those users. For example, if you have an e-commerce website that sells shoes, you might use AI to identify what type of shoe each user is looking at and then recommend similar items they may be interested in purchasing.

Second, I believe that AI will allow marketers to automate repetitive tasks so they can focus on more important work like coming up with new strategies or improving existing ones. There are many repetitive tasks that can be automated using AI, such as social media monitoring or email marketing campaigns. These automated processes save time and money because they don’t require human oversight and error correcting every step of the way like human employees do!

Thirdly, I expect there will be an increase in competition due to increased access to technology among small businesses than ever before thanks to advances made by companies like IBM Watson which make it easier for smaller companies to use these technologies without breaking the bank!

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Christine Campbell Rapin

Title: CEO & Business Mentor

Company: CLEAR Acceleration Inc.

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/christinecampbell1

AI is speeding up the content delivery machine at an unprecedented rate.

Machine learning has an enormous ability to aid with market research, synthesizing and collating data at rapid speeds and based on precedence.

However, business owners need to recognize that human connection not AI is the ultimate catalyst for client growth.

More than ever people are craving intimacy, connection and are actively seeking companies that stand up and own their shared core values unapologetically.

To get ahead we need to go old school and remember that people prefer to do business with people not machines.

People seek business owners who embody integrity where a handshake is our word vs a 10 page contract.

The greatest value we can create is through co-creation at a human level.

When we embrace this the future is unlimited.

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James Maddison

Title: Founder

Company: Prompt

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesbmaddison/

A.I. will likely change the marketing function in three ways:

More generalists. At the moment the marketing function is usually divided into sector specialists: the paid media specialist, the SEO specialists, the brand person and so on. I believe – as A.I. develops – we will see a return to generalists who’ll be able to cover many of these areas themselves.

Smaller, more autonomous teams. As more generalists emerge, covering more areas within marketing, we’ll see a drive to small team sizes with more autonomy to make decisions. There’s no need to pass requests up a management chain to get resources allocated to your project from another area of marketing when you’re now doing both areas all by yourself.

More creative brands. Previously if you wanted to feature an amazing custom illustration in your social media, you’d have to commission it, wait a few weeks for it to be drawn and then pay a considerable sum for the pleasure of using it. It meant that – unless you had very deep pockets – a brand’s creative stayed relatively simple. With A.I. whole new brand identities can be made that push the boundaries in all sorts of ways – we’re going to see so much creativity in company identities very soon.

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Ben Donovan

Title: Founder

Company: Brand Builder University

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benrdonovan/

Using AI has become a game-changer for success as it revolutionizes the world of marketing through:

– Improved customer experience: AI-powered tools can help you provide a more personalized and seamless customer experience across different niches, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
– Streamlined operations: AI-powered tools can help you automate repetitive tasks and streamline your operations across different niches, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks that drive growth and profitability.
– Automated data analysis and enhanced decision-making: AI-powered tools can quickly analyze large amounts of data from different sources and provide valuable insights that can help you make informed decisions and get more done in less time.

By leveraging the power of AI, businesses can automate tasks, analyze data, and personalize customer experiences, leading to increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and higher profitability.

As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative and powerful tools to emerge that will enable businesses that adopt the AI revolution to stay ahead of the competition and achieve their goals.

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Marco Baez

Title: Founder / CEO

Company: Emerald Sky Group, LLC

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/marcobaez3200

AI is revolutionizing the marketing sector in a variety of ways. Every area of marketing, including research, content production, graphic and video marketing, user experience, and advertising, is likely to undergo significant transformation as a result of the potential of AI. AI-powered marketing solutions may do activities that would ordinarily take many hours or days in a matter of minutes, giving marketers a massive edge. This saves marketers time and money, allowing them to focus on more vital tasks. One of the key advantages of AI in marketing is the capacity to give marketers with 24-hour help. Virtual assistants and chatbots powered by AI may help marketers do activities like evaluating client data, scheduling social media posts, and responding to customer queries. This enables marketers to focus on developing consumer connections and adapting marketing and sales communications to their specific tastes and lifestyles.

Marketers may also use AI to provide highly tailored and targeted marketing efforts. AI can recognize client requirements and preferences and generate tailored marketing efforts that resonate with them by evaluating customer data. This degree of personalization may result in increased engagement and conversion rates, giving advertisers a better ROI for marketers. AI may also automate monotonous processes, freeing up marketers’ time to focus on more strategic activity. AI-powered marketing automation solutions, for example, may automate operations like sending emails, scheduling social media postings, and monitoring campaign results. This saves marketers time and money, allowing them to focus on more vital tasks. AI may also automate monotonous processes, freeing up marketers’ time to focus on more strategic activity. AI-powered marketing automation solutions, for example, may automate operations like sending emails, scheduling social media postings, and monitoring campaign results. This saves marketers time and money, allowing them to focus on more vital tasks.

The rapid growth of AI is transforming the marketing industry, offering exciting opportunities for businesses to streamline their operations, automate tasks, and deliver highly personalized experiences to their customers. By leveraging AI-powered marketing tools, businesses can make better data-driven decisions, innovate and grow, and stay ahead of the competition. As AI technology continues to evolve, the future looks hopeful for the marketing industry, providing new and exciting possibilities to enhance customer engagement and drive business success.

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George Mouratidis

Title: Head of SEO

Company: Stasher

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-mouratidis/

The way I see it, ChatGPT isn’t threatening to replace jobs, but is instead a tool to do your job better/faster, especially in marketing.

It’s amazing tech, and many people are using it to power great new products, but for now it’s biggest barrier is simply “how do I use this?”

I personally keep the Chat-GPT tab open every day and I use it for small stuff like generating meta descriptions, short code snippets and Gsheets formulas. Things that would have taken hours of research can now be revealed in seconds, provided you can phrase your needs correctly.

Soon enough, savvy marketing pros will develop the habit of ‘chatgpt-ing’ it the same way you ‘google’ your problems. Soon, you’re cutting down on task time and getting answers much faster than scouring forums.

I’m excited to see the products this technology is going to spawn. Our jobs are going to change — we might as well get ahead of the curve and enjoy everything this exciting new reality will bring us.

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Iu Ayala

Title: CEO

Company: Gradient Insight

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iu-ayala-portella/

AI is already making a huge impact on the marketing industry, from automating mundane tasks to helping develop personalized customer experiences. AI-driven technologies like DreamBooth and ChatGPT are allowing us to create more detailed and accurate images and conversations than ever before. AI is being used to target customers with the most relevant content, analyze customer reviews to detect customer sentiment, and much more.

Looking to the future, AI is set to revolutionize the marketing industry. AI-powered systems will continue to become more sophisticated and will be able to provide deeper insights into customer behaviour and preferences. AI will also play an important role in automating marketing tasks and helping marketers to create more personalized and impactful customer experiences.

Ultimately, AI is set to revolutionize the marketing industry and create an abundance of opportunities for businesses to capitalize on. By leveraging AI to automate mundane tasks and gain deeper customer insights, businesses will be able to maximize their marketing efforts and create more impactful customer experiences.

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Joachim Hansen

Title: CEO

Company: Qualiteam

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joachim-hjorth-hansen/

As a small business that handles all marketing in-house, we rarely rely on external assistance for our marketing. However, when we do, it needs to be double-checked, revised, and proofread regardless. The new AI tools available have accelerated our ability to create, proofread, and publish new marketing content, reducing our need (and cost) for external marketing or freelancers and increasing the value we provide to our partners, distributors, and customers. Furthermore, tools like ChatGPT are capable of suggesting a full marketing campaign tailored to specific business goals, which is no small feat.

These AI tools essentially provide each of our marketing team members with a personal assistant at almost no cost.

All businesses will use these tools to enhance their marketing efforts, and those who do not will be left behind.

The impact of this will create a divide between those who use the tools and those who do not, which will accelerate and become more significant as new tools become available and are integrated into regular marketing processes. It is likely that as businesses learn to use these tools, there will be less need for marketing agencies, at least for more standard forms of marketing.

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Evgeny Bik

Title: Co-founder

Company: Day One Careers

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/evgenybik/

In the first phase of AI-driven advertising, businesses will be happy to outsource their marketing activities to AI models. These models will be used to segment audiences, select them, target them, write creative and content, generate audio-visual assets, measure and read KPIs, and refine marketing inputs based on learnings.

However, in the second phase, businesses will realize that everyone is using the same AI models, and the output is similar. This will lead to a decline in the effectiveness of AI-fuelled advertising, as businesses race to the bottom. In the third phase, marketers will develop a deep and nuanced understanding of how to use AI tools to support and amplify human insight and creativity, rather than replace it.

This third phase is when marketing efforts will be faster and sharper, and competition will be between human teams behind brands armed with AI tools, rather than between AI tools themselves. It will require a nuanced approach that balances the power of AI with the unique insights and creativity of humans.

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Marc Morego

Title: Chief Strategy Officer

Company: The Service Club

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/serviceclubdelivery/

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniably impacting how marketing is approached. As AI grows more sophisticated and powerful, marketers can better target precise consumer demographics with tailored messaging, customize recommendations, and offer consumers a streamlined shopping experience.

By utilizing machine learning, marketers can analyze vast amounts of data to make accurate and dynamic predictions about consumer wants and needs. With automated processes now taking over monotonous tasks such as market research, manual labor makes way for creativity and strategic decision-making. AI will enable real-time communication between companies and customers, connecting them in previously impossible ways.

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Owen Drury

Title: Co Founder

Company: Bit Renovation

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/owen-drury/

I believe written content will become less relevant. Only people who can share truly insightful and thoughtful content will succeed when it comes to blogs… etc. In addition, video marketing will become more relevant as (aside from Deepfakes) humans are still needed. Finally, chatbot personalisation is a key hot topic. Using GPT to give your customers useful answers will be a game changer.

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Jon Lynn

Title: CEO

Company: My Office Pod

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonlynn/

Predictive analytics with more depth.

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can recognize social media trends to forecast the forthcoming must-try for product development. To assist marketers in identifying client demand and developing plans for upcoming marketing efforts, they examine the content and user evaluations on various platforms. Specialists maximize the use of predictive analytics with AI tools. They are able to judge what is good or bad about a company website and other platforms they utilize for promotions. Marketers also take into account AI to learn more about rivals and create more powerful plans to outperform them. Finding the ideal prospective customers for a business is made easier with the aid of artificial intelligence, which also helps forecast the buying habits of a specific customer group. In order to find insights and combine data for a better customer experience and performance, marketers actively use AI algorithms.

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Sukhy Dhillon

Title: Brand Director

Company: E-Careers.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sukhy-dhillon-1939b810/

More effective advertisements.

Artificial intelligence aids in learning what a client wants for marketers: By gathering and analyzing user data, it can forecast future behavior. In other words, AI enables companies to target customers with more effective and convincing marketing. In 2023 and the years to come, I believe it will contribute significantly more to the success of advertising activities. Marketers will find fresh, alternative avenues for ad campaigns with AI. On several advertising networks, including Google AdWords, for instance, experts already employ AI techniques to optimize targeting, spending, and ad delivery. Moreover, media buying is made more effective by AI marketing tools. Moreover, machine learning algorithms support the creation of PPC campaigns with appropriate text, bids, and layout. AI provides marketing professionals with all the data they need to create fantastic advertisements that are tailored to the tastes of the target audience.

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Jamie Irwin

Title: Head of Marketing

Company: Privasee

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamieirwin/

The possibilities of AI in marketing are virtually endless. Personalization is one area where AI can help, providing customers with a highly tailored experience, from customized access to products and services to personalized content and recommendations. Increased personalization allows companies to understand their customers more deeply while minimizing trial and error in product development.

With the right AI tools and a clear process, marketers can generate insights that lead to better decisions, improved customer relationships, and greater efficiency in the days ahead. By leveraging machine learning technologies such as natural language processing and computer vision, organizations can gain even greater levels of understanding as they seek opportunities for growth in markets worldwide.

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Henry McIntosh

Title: Founder

Company: Twenty One Twelve Marketing

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hwmcintosh/

At Twenty One Twelve, we’ve already adopted AI to help us become more efficient. While a lot of people are suggesting AI will effectively replace marketing roles, such as copywriting, I don’t see this happening anytime soon. Instead, in the short-term AI will change marketing by empowering human creativity. Those who leverage AI to expedite mundane admin, technical and research tasks will prosper most, and rather than replacing the marketer it will leave them more time to think creatively and strategically to produce better results.

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Saj Munir

Title: Founder

Company: Chorlton Fireworks

Linkedin: N/A

Chatbots are another way that AI is changing the way we do marketing. Chatbots are automated conversational agents that can interact with customers and answer their questions. This allows businesses to provide 24/7 customer support, even when they’re not open. By automating this process, AI is freeing up businesses to focus on other aspects of their operations.

Influencer Marketing
AI is also changing the way we think about influencer marketing. With the help of AI algorithms, businesses can identify the most influential people in their target market and target them with personalized messages. This is making influencer marketing more effective and more efficient than ever before.

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Sam Underwood

Title: Business Owner

Company: Bingo Card Creator

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samunderwooduk/

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already transforming the marketing industry in a variety of ways, and the technology is set to have an even greater impact in the years to come. Here are a few ways AI is changing marketing:

Personalization: AI enables marketers to deliver highly personalized content to individual consumers based on their behaviors, interests, and preferences. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to understand consumer behavior and create personalized content and recommendations for each individual customer.

Customer service: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide quick and efficient customer service to consumers, handling routine inquiries and providing personalized recommendations based on customer data.

Predictive analytics: AI algorithms can analyze customer data to predict consumer behavior and provide insights into which marketing strategies are most likely to be effective.

Improved targeting: AI can help marketers identify the most relevant target audiences for their campaigns by analyzing customer data and identifying patterns in consumer behavior.

Content creation: AI-powered tools can assist marketers in creating and optimizing content, from writing headlines to generating visuals and even creating entire articles.

Fraud detection: AI algorithms can detect fraudulent activities in real-time, protecting businesses from financial losses due to fraudulent activities.

The impact of AI on marketing is already significant, with businesses leveraging the technology to improve their marketing strategies and enhance customer experiences. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovations in marketing, from advanced predictive analytics to more sophisticated personalization and automation tools.

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Rob Illidge

Title: CEO

Company: Vulse

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-illidge-social-media-agency-ceo/

It’s fair to say that the robots are here to stay. Earlier this year we witnessed the seismic impact ChatGPT had on marketing and the plethora of conversations it created between professionals. Now GPT4 has arrived and we’re again looking the ways it can help with marketing efforts, whether that be reducing content creation times or producing more relevant content to users. Personally, as the founder of an AI startup I’m excited to find out what is possible. Personalization or relevancy will improve with technologies allowing businesses to offer bespoke experiences to their customers based on their preferences, interests, and online activity. This level of personalization drives customer engagement, brand loyalty, and ultimately, higher conversion rates. In addtion, AI algorithms will be utilised to evaluate public opinion and sentiment towards a brand or product by analyzing social media posts, reviews, and online conversations. This information will allow marketers to gauge their brand’s reputation, identify potential crises, and tailor their messaging accordingly. The current AI tech leap we are experiencing is having a significant impact on various industries, society, and daily life. As AI technology continues to advance, it is reshaping the way we live and work in numerous ways inlcuding revolutionizing the way businesses operate improving efficency and analyzing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. What will come of it, only time will tell, or we ask them for an answer.

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Guy Sharp

Title: Relocation Manager

Company: Andorra Guides

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guy-sharp/

Unique customer experiences with AR and VR

When it comes to traveling or moving homes, customers are only sold once they have a fair idea of their destination. Whether it’s checking out hotel rooms or finding the perfect home to move into, pictures are simply not adequate enough for them to make a choice. This is where AI tools like AR and VR can make their experience much more hands-on. Through these tools, they can get a virtual tour of their spaces and clearly understand what they’re getting into. Companies that can integrate these tools are sure to have an added advantage as customers will appreciate the option of making an informed decision.

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Title: Founder

Company: AirAdvisor

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anton-radchenko-esq-36259824/

“AI will continue to make marketing efforts more personalized.

Personalization, or customization of content and experience to fit targeted audiences better and to grab their attention will change marketing. Companies will leverage AI to collect customer information primarily focused on individual preferences and purchasing behaviors. And through the vast amount of data gathered, companies can segment customers and personalize experiences and brand interactions. This way, they can deliver content, messages, and offerings that resonate with the specific customers’ interests and needs while letting them have the best experience with their brand.”

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Jitesh Keswani

Title: CEO

Company: e intelligence

Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/e-intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a huge potential to transform the way we do marketing. It can help businesses to make faster and smarter decisions, improve productivity and efficiency, and increase customer satisfaction.

While Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already changing the face of marketing, it is expected to continue doing so in the future. Below I am sharing some ways in which AI is likely to impact marketing

PersonalizationAI can analyze vast amounts of data about customer behavior and preferences to provide personalized recommendations and offers. This can help businesses deliver a better customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

Predictive Analytics
AI can use data to predict customer behavior and market trends, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions about marketing strategies and product development.

AI-powered chatbots can provide 24/7 customer support and personalized assistance, improving the customer experience and reducing the workload of customer service teams.

Image and Video Recognition
AI can recognize images and video content to understand customer preferences and target marketing efforts accordingly.

Content Creation
AI can generate content such as product descriptions and social media posts, saving business time and resources.

Ad Targeting
AI can analyze customer data to target ads more effectively, improving ROI for marketing campaigns.

Voice Search Optimization
As voice assistants become more prevalent; businesses will need to optimize their content for voice search, using AI to understand natural language queries and provide relevant results.

Dynamic pricing
AI will be used to enable dynamic pricing, which allows marketers to adjust prices based on demand for particular products and services. This can help reduce costs and boost brand revenue while minimizing risks associated with pricing errors.

AI has the potential to revolutionize marketing by providing businesses with more data-driven insights and enabling more personalized, targeted, and effective marketing strategies.

The ability to personalize a user’s experience is also an important factor in how well AI will be used to improve marketing. Using data from previous purchases and browsing history, AI can recommend products that would be a good match for a customer’s needs.

Digital marketing is an ever-growing industry, and it’s important to keep up with the latest trends. This is why many businesses are implementing digital marketing automation tools with artificial intelligence to make their marketing strategies more efficient and effective.

However, it is crucial to select the best platform for your goals and business model. There are many platforms that are available to choose from, and each has different features and functionality.

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Richard Stafford

Title: Founder

Company: Fettle

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/staffordrichard/

Using AI-powered chatbots to answer customer questions or create individualized treatment plans using machine learning algorithms has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses and healthcare providers interact with their customers and patients. It also signifies an important change in marketing by enabling businesses and healthcare providers to provide personalized and efficient service to customers and patients. AI-powered chatbots can assist businesses and healthcare providers in improving the customer or patient experience, which is an important aspect of marketing.

To mitigate the risks and challenges that AI brings, companies and healthcare providers should prioritize transparency, accuracy, and privacy in their use of AI-powered chatbots. They should also provide human oversight and intervention when necessary to ensure that customer or patient needs are being met and that ethical and legal standards are being upheld. Companies have to take responsibility for the decisions made by their AI systems, and prioritize the privacy of individuals, respecting their right to control their personal data.

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