Hacking Your Funding Round

How to “run a process” when raising capital.

Nathan Beckord
1 min readJul 10, 2018


Fundraising is a skill that founders are not born with, but it can be learned. This talk contains basically everything I’ve picked up from 10+ years of raising capital for startups. I give this talk about 1–2x per month to new Foundersuite users, and I’ve given it at NASDAQ, 500 Startups, GAN.co, WeWork, General Assembly, and to 40+ top accelerators around the world.

In this talk, I cover:

  • How to build and qualify a target list of investor leads
  • How to secure the strongest possible “warm intro” (and what to do if you don’t have a mutual connection)
  • How to run a streamlined process and drive momentum around your deal
  • How to close your round faster and with greater negotiating leverage.

I hope you enjoy it — please let me know if you have any comments or additional “hacks” in the comment section :)



Nathan Beckord

CEO of www.Foundersuite.com. Fanatical about helping startups raise capital. Sailing and motorcycle junkie.