Founder Spotlight: Meet Aquayemi-Claude

Aquayemi is a 24-year-old, student, author, entrepreneur, influencer, young leader, and activist for reducing inequality and inclusion rights. He is also a CEO, Founder and Philanthropist donning all these hats whilst being neurodiverse with hidden disabilities.

3 min readJul 13, 2022


Founder Spotlight: Meet Aquayemi-Claude

Tell us a bit more about yourself, the journey you’ve had so far and the relationship with Foundervine.

My name is Aquayemi-Claude from London, Richmond Upon Thames, England, United Kingdom. I am a 24-year-old Youth Delegate, Author, Campaigner and Philanthropist who believes in a decent standard of education to be delivered as a result of my own challenges of still being denied education — from 2017 till now- which is 4 years of lost provision which was unelected.

I am legally entitled to Education, like millions of SEN families and young adults, who have to face these challenges for years. That’s why I came up with the idea of (The Claudes SEN Law). This has led to me using multiple speaking engagements and social media platforms to amplify my voice and drive support towards the initiative.

I came in contact with Foundervine recently and must say that it has helped me upskill and educate myself though I have been denied the same opportunity by the government system. I have been constantly attending workshops and mentoring sessions offered by Foundervine in a way to upskill myself and interact with aspiring individuals/founders.

Aquayemi, tell us about The Claudes SEN Law Campaign and what motivated you towards starting the initiative?

The Claudes SEN Law Campaign ~ Mission is to deliver and execute an “Inclusive equal world for Neurodivers, people with hidden, visible disabilities and the extended awareness of the #TheClaudesSENLaw”.

Society judges an individual by their appearance and abilities. Let’s change the narrative and eradicate the low efficiency of representation in government and society on such issues.

What’ve been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome in your journey so far ( it can be a mix of entrepreneurial and personal)?

The challenges have been my own circumstances. Being a young black student who has been denied an education because of my condition is the biggest of them all. But I have always considered myself as a gritty individual who even while sofa suffering has built a strong initiative and social media growth to fight the system.

Is there anything you wish you’d known before starting up?

I wish I could have started my campaign and nonprofit a bit sooner. As the UK education system is years behind in addressing the issue of SEND awareness for individuals who are neurodiverse and have hidden, visible disabilities.

What are some of the important milestones and recognitions in your journey so far?

Some of my proud milestones are self-publishing my four biographies, creating the ClaudesSENLaw Campaign, setting up my nonprofit clothing Brand and having my journey aired on BBC News.

Any top tips for aspiring individuals struggling with structure?

A structure can be achieved by self-realising what drives you the most and making sure all energy goes into bringing in the desired change in the system/situation that exists.

Definitely, entrepreneurial communities can be such powerful support networks — do you have any asks or gives to the vine community

Members of this wonderful community can choose from featuring in an interview on my podcast, LinkedIn weekly newsletter, Safe space Tuesday live session on Twitter or a track of the week spotlight on Spotify. Would also love to spend time mentoring young and upcoming entrepreneurs.

My ask to this community would be anything that might help accelerate my journey.

So what are some of the goals in your journey ahead?

The major goals I have set for myself include achieving 10,000+ signatures for the “The Claudes SEN Law Campaign ‘’, publishing my fifth book, engaging in major speaking/engagement opportunities to promote my message and encouraging more people to talk about important issues on my podcast.

Contact Claude

Instagram — @a_claude_2020 | Twitter — @Iam_Claude25

TikTok — @aquayemiakinsany3 | LinkedIn — Aquayemi-Claude Garnett


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