FoundHer Series: Jen Gurecki, Founder of Coalition Snow

Georgina Miranda
FoundHer Series


Introducing my FoundHer blog series. Every week I will showcase an amazing female founder and share her story. As a female founder myself, I have found inspiration through connecting with other women founders, sharing our stories, our war wounds, lessons learned, how we are navigating the funding struggles, and our Why’s for starting our businesses. Entrepreneurs are a rare breed- we tend to be extremely passionate, determined, resilient, innovative, visionary, and with a slight bit of crazy (a good kind of crazy that keeps us going). Women founders tend to also have an incredible amount of “heart”, which I think makes us even more extraordinary and awesome!

The women profiled have inspired me and I hope they will inspire you! We will share stories of founders across different industries and not just focus on Tech. If you know an amazing female founder you feel should be profiled, please let me know!

Let me introduce Jen Gurecki!

Coalition Snow, Founder
Location: Truckee, California

Tell us about Coalition Snow

We are Coalition Snow. We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for. Skis and snowboards designed by women, for women in Lake Tahoe.

We not only asked women what they wanted, we listened. As a team of women designing gear for other skilled women skiers and riders, we know what it feels like to aspire to improve, to hunger for the long lasting confidence and accomplishment that can only come from the mountain. We hold a deep belief that women aren’t at a disadvantage when it comes to skiing and riding. We focus on what women can do rather than what they can’t.

We believe the majority of skis and snowboards don’t meet the needs of women skiers and boarders. There aren't other brands that cater to women; the industry is male dominated and for a lot of women there has been a need for community.

Our mission is to focus on what women can do and deliver superb and high quality products that stand out from the rest.

Why did you start Coalition Snow?

Looking back feels crazy. I am the type of person that if a good idea comes my way, I jump on it. On a backcountry trip I thought someone should start designing cool stuff for women and wondering why no one was doing it. From that point I decided I was just going to do it. “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Sometimes you can’t wait for someone else to do it for you. If you really want something you have to go after it yourself. I have been snowboarding since I was 16 in Arizona and moved to a mountain town as soon as I could. My career has led me to work with women and build community and so both came together with Coalition Snow.

When did you know you wanted to start Coalition Snow?

After my June 2013 backcountry trip I came home and started sending emails out to see if it was an idea worth pursuing. I spent the rest of the summer talking to people in the industry and received such a positive response that I made some samples and we went to Mt. Kenya as a fundraiser and company launch. From there we got a lot of emails and traction from women showing their support and decided to move forward.

What about entrepreneurship excites you the most?

I love figuring things out-Identifying challenges or issues and trying to solve them is a fun process. As an entrepreneur every day is a fun process of figuring things out. I never wanted to have a career where I needed to clock in; I wanted one where I could do whatever I wanted to do. I have worked for other people, but I prefer this route. I love the flexibly, challenges, rollercoaster ups and downs, and figuring out how to stay strapped in. It’s exciting to start something and see where it goes and take risks and not do on a Monday to Friday 9–5.

What/who has been your greatest support?

A group of women in Tahoe has been our greatest support. They include: our artist, ambassadors, and sales core group. Most of them I didn’t know until I started this. They are always there to go ski, have a glass of wine, and are just true ambassadors always talking it up and rad women in general. They are not pros, but just good people.

What is your vision for Coalition Snow?

That we would evolve from a company that produces gear to one that builds community and can sponsor events in the industry: film festivals, competitions, etc. That we work towards creating a community of women and being a part of supporting young women with ambitions goals.

We also hope to leverage crowd funding and sourcing to really ramp up and one day gain an international presence. We would also love to have an amazing team of athletes that allows them to be the athlete they need to be. It would be ideal to fund multiple athletes and support both pros and amateurs.

What have been the greatest challenges?

Production: As a small company we are at the bottom of the list. We were lucky to find a great factory. Yet delays are inevitable and things never happen as fast as you would like.

Support: To turn that general support into a purchase will be a challenge in our first year. We have received a ton of support thus far for what we are doing and it validates we are meeting a need.

How do you feel you can empower other women?

The term empowerment is an interesting term….all these different ways to take what that means. I don’t know that I have the capacity to empower other people, but our company supports women in being empowered.

What have you learned about yourself in starting this company?

I learned that I can survive off cheap quesadillas and live without all those things you think you need. I learned I can do a lot with a little and how important it is to stay true to what I believe in and stay on track. Who I am as a person and my identity as a person is not all wrapped up in the identity of the company. I am fine with just being me and being behind the scenes and doing what needs to get done.

What advice would you give to other founders?

Make sure that you can whether the ups and downs. The minute you let doubt creep in and take over, you are done for. Be realistic, but realize so many things come up every day and challenge what you are doing and you have to be able to navigate.

Who inspires you the most?

I am touched when I see people doing what they love to do and doing it in a humble way. I am also inspired by the element of overcoming something based on what society says you are allowed to do and doing something you are not “supposed” to be able to do. Going against the system or society rules and just doing what you are meant to be doing is inspiring.

Favorite quote or life motto?

“We are the ones we have been waiting for” it’s the Coalition Snow motto.

How has starting your own business been a life changer?

I feel like I am learning things I would not have learned had I not done this. I have also come to realize that the company is not my identity and being aware that there are a lot of people involved and that I am just one little piece.

What are you most proud of to date?

Most proud of my work in Kenya with The Zawadisha Fund . Zawadisha arms women with access to capital and the life-saving tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Coalition Snow is just starting and so in time there will be time to be proud.

I go back to Kenya every year and seeing the changes over the years and creating jobs is very rewarding. I’ve really made a difference in someone’s life. To learn more visit: . We are currently trying to raise 10k.

Want to check out Coalition Snow?

Get ready to shred this winter

Also soon available at



Georgina Miranda
FoundHer Series

CEO @ She Ventures | Embracing Adventure, Catalyzing Change for People and Planet 🌱🌎 | Social Entrepreneur, TEDx Speaker, Athlete, Activist, Mindfulness