Musings of a Fiction Writer (Vol. 2): Is Your Ego Getting in the Way?

J.S. Lender
Reef Point Press
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2022
Photo: Mohave Desert by Max Lender © 2022

IN YOGA, we refer to the Ego as a false sense of self. More specifically, the Ego is that part of you which tries to convince you that you are separate from others and from the universe as a whole. Perhaps the Ego’s favorite words are me, mine, want, need, and take.

As writers, we become accustomed to working and creating alone. There’s nothing wrong with solitary work, and an author should be proud when he or she completes a story or a book after months or even years of toiling. If you have written a book, you have accomplished something that is beyond the ability of most people.

Although all writers create stories for themselves to a certain extent, they are also writing for an invisible and theoretical reader. Despite the sense of accomplishment you may feel, there is something more significant to consider. How will your book connect with others? Will it fill them with glee and inspiration? Will it give them a good, healthy fright?

Even though it often feels as if we are completely alone and isolated during the writing process, we are not. Each writer is a part of a collective consciousness and community of others who are trying to connect and create in their unique way. Much of the stress which accompanies the writing process involves a false sense of isolation and an unhealthy desire for accolades. If you have finished your writing project and you are satisfied with the result, you have already achieved your goal.

One of the more important lessons I have learned throughout the writing process is how to just be. It’s easier said than done, I suppose, and the concept may be confusing to those not familiar with the practice of yoga. Perhaps I can distill this down a bit. As a writer, all that truly exists is you, your work, and the collective consciousness of others who are creating. All the other stuff — sales figures, reviews, promotion, notoriety, fame, money — is just a bunch of noise. We’re all floating along the ocean on the same cruise ship, folks. Even though some of us may be living it up in first class cabins while others are down below sleeping on cots, we’ll all arrive at the same destination (I promise!)

There’s a false perception that if you desire fame and riches and success as a writer, you can somehow wish it into existence by following a special plan. But, as we all know deep down, that’s simply not how the cosmos operate. There’s a universal order to this life of ours which is beyond the reach of all of us. In short: just go with it, man.

The next time you find yourself frustrated and disappointed by the writing industry, ask yourself an important question: Is my stubborn Ego getting in the way? Instead of listening to the endless chatter of me, mine, want and need, try tuning into the channel of us, them, community and connection. If you stay focused on creating quality work and getting into sync with others in your creative community, the true rewards — the ones that really matter — will find you.

Fellow Wordsmiths: Until next time, keep those fingers tapping my friends, and best of luck out there!

J.S. Lender’s new novella + short story collection for young readers, Emma and the Starry Night, is on sale now!

Follow Reef Point Press for more musings about the fiction writing process…J.S. Lender © 2022



J.S. Lender
Reef Point Press

fiction writer | ocean enthusiast | author of six books, including Max and the Great Oregon Fire. Blending words, waves and life…