SUPER-LOG 1: Awakening to the Nature

Ade M. Campbell
Fountellion in THE SPIRAL
4 min readSep 10, 2021


Waves… breaking…

New #VR #SPIRAL world now in development is reported to be an ‘ultimate game’ …a ‘green game’ deeply-rooted to the natural world / the Source… Is it really disruptive? What do YOU want from this? Let us know… @spiraltimes #greengame #fountellion

Waves… breaking… Right now I’m thinking of them. I think of their sound, and I know they’re the simulated waves that fall across the tidal estuary on — or in — Fountellion. I remember they have a tinkling sound, just after they break, like the fall — and the call — of countless tiny gemstones.

You wouldn’t have thought that waves could be enhanced, would you? Neither did I, until I landed in the super-foam, and gazed up at the motion — coruscating — of so many jewels in the virtual light. I’ve come to know something of their hidden nature. It won’t always be easy listening but I’ll tell you what I can… and we’ll get back to them.

For now, here’s a different scene: It’s boggy. I’ve managed to get myself bogged down in the middle of a really marshy area and now I can see these shadows — ominous — stretching across the open marsh, from the treeline where a forest begins. I feel… concern. What casts them now appear… slowly, rising up above the treetops. They’re human figures but seem unnatural; their movements, their very darkness seems out of place. And they keep on approaching, from the air, drifting within themselves like they’re restless, hungry; searching… for me?

They seem… ragged… and to be carrying something long, maybe heavy — spears — of some kind? Or more like crutches, as they seem to… depend on them; using them to cast off from ground, rocks or trees. I can’t make out facial features, but, still, they’re so transfixing. Why are they here in this simulation of nature and survival? It’s hard to tear my eyes away and do something; to start playing this vivid game…

My mind is racing with new-found abilities and the words of an old wizard/guru I hardly know. A few possible setbacks though: my energy tattoo is low, and my legs are… stuck. I can’t use my power. And these creepy figures, I’m guessing they are the bad news I’ve been warned about. The rain on the parade in this world. What happened to the sun and a ‘green garden’? Why do I feel… ok… fear. I don’t like feeling it… not here. Not so early. It’s just a game?! Plus.. I’m recording all this, for when I’ll be allowed to release these adventures sometime. But that was for moments when I would be in control. Masterful. Not completely stupid, fearful and… powerless…


I remember, much more… My awakening to Fountellion; those first moments — they will stay with me. It was just a simple, wooden, farmland gate; the stems of a cornfield stretching to the sky as I lay there… Then… the rest… from a feeling of fear, of vulnerability — just as when we stand in a meadow of overgrown grass, there comes a sudden sharp buzzing as if we’ve… intruded — and later on, that howling of wolves…

Well, it’s all here… and in so many more moments. I remember feeling… anxiety too for my real life. And yes, that felt strange, in this vibrant, alternative nature.


But, in the end, I need not have worried. I’ve been able to take so much back… outside. For one thing, I now see and experience ‘the Source’ — our old reality — much more closely. I understand it better. Yes, it was all just a game, but these ‘games’ now; they shape us, you know, and they can shape our minds, and our natures too…

Tell me, have you ever wanted to fly as a dragonfly, or to live for whole days as a cat, or a wolf, or in a pack of wolves? I never thought so much was involved; their lives… so alive, or thought about what it would really, virtually be like.

But where was I again? Oh yeah, out on the plain. Stuck in the super-mud. Appropriate. Well, that was near the beginning, after I’d met the old guide for the first time…

I was pretty much the first ‘standard’ player on the scene. The pioneer. And what a scene! How did I get there? Well, you may have seen — or ‘inhabited’ — my captures, maybe read something or even just heard about how I found a key into this new world — a new state of mind and being. So let me back up a bit more, before we go back into that marshland… Because, you know, I’m wiser these days; I reckon a lot of actions can be better explained by context. And environment. So I should relate some of it, so that you can know the full score… For there might be still a few of you who have no idea about Fountellion. What it once was, and what it did… for many of us…’

Before: Super-Log 0 (in the spiral)
Next: Super-Logs 2–9

Full book + VR game concept, available on Amazon…



Ade M. Campbell
Fountellion in THE SPIRAL

Writer, artist, permaculture explorer of new tech, generative AI, VR, web3, NFTs: Ade’s Press