Corner 03: Box Sync

Katie Murdoch
Four Corners of Box
4 min readApr 27, 2017

Now that we can create, upload, and share let’s take a look at Box Sync. Box Sync is an additional tool that is part of your Box experience. Box Sync allows you to sync folders between your Box account and your computer. As a result, no matter if your working online or off your synced files will always be up to date.

Downloading Box Sync

Before we can start using Box Sync we need to download it first. To do so simply click the ‘Synced to Desktop’ tab on the lefthand side of the screen.

You will then be directed to download Box Sync. Once your download has completed, you can click on the Sync Shortcut to view the Box Sync folder and your student folder within it.

Icon to Settings to Student Folder

Syncing Folders from Computer to Box

Uploading files from your desktp to Box couldn’t be easier. Now that Box Sync has been downloaded, you should be able to see your Box Sync folder anytime you access the folders and applications on your computer.

You can add files and folders from your computer by dragging them into your Box Sync ‘Student Files’. Make sure you place the files and folders you want to sync with Box inside your student files folder. Placing them outside this folder won’t allow them to be synced.

Place files for uploading INSIDE your Student Files folder, NOT just in the Box Sync folder

Files that are uploaded from your computer will now appear within your Student Files folder in your Box account.

Syncing Folders from Box to Computer

Syncing from Box is just as easy as syncing to it. Any folder you would like to sync to your computer can be done so by selecting the item and clicking the details tab on the right hand side. From here you can click the ‘Sync to Desktop’ slider to allow the folder to sync to your computer. You can watch the short video below to see how sycning from Box is done.

You can tell which folders in your Box account have been synced to your computer by looking for the blue check mark icon next to updated date.

Selective Syncing

Generally, when you choose to sync a folder all the folders and files within it will also sync to your computer. However, you can selectively choose which folders will sync by first syncing the parent folder and then going through and deselecting the folders you don’t want to sync. This is done the same way folders are synced by navigating to the ‘Details’ tab and then clicking the slider to the off position.

You can also sync only certain subfolders if you don’t want to sync the parent folder. This can be done by navigating to the subfolder you would like to sync and clicking the slider tab to the ‘sync’ position. This folder will now sync to your computer without the other subfolders or parent folder sycning at all. When you view your parent folder the blue check mark will appear letting you know that part of the parent folder is synced.

Why Sync?

Syncing allows you to work with your documents offline and folders that are synced between your computer and your Box account will always be updated, no matter where you view them. You can always choose to unsync folders in you Box account and that way new additions and changes won’t take up space on your computer.

Deleting vs Unsyncing

Folders that have been shared with others need special attention whether they are synced or not. Deleting a folder will delete it for everyone who has access to it. This may have far reaching consequences and should be avoided unless you are sure the folder is no longer needed by anyone. Unsyncing is a less permanent option which allows you to unsync from a folder (meaning it will not longer show up on your computer) but will still be available for everyone else who has access to the folder.

Congratulations! You have finished the third corner of your box experience. The checklist below summarizes what you have learned and topics we have discussed:

