Caffeine Free: Blue Pea Flower Herbal Tea For a Better Health

Poonam Gupta
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2020

Ever heard of Blue Pea flower? Butterfly pea, Darwin pea? No!! Well, no worries. I will tell you about this amazing plant considered holy in India and benefits of its flower tea.

Introducing Blue Pea

Clitoria ternatea is the scientific name of blue pea also known as butterfly pea, cordon pea and Darwin pea etc. The flowers of this plant were thought to be shaped like human female genitals, hence they received their Latin name of the genus “Clitoria”, from “clitoris”.

Blue pea is native to the equatorial region of Asia, including Indian subcontinent and some parts of southeast Asia. It has also been introduced to Africa, Australia and America.

In India, it is revered as a holy flower and offered to the deities during daily puja rituals. This flower is popularly known as Aparajita in Bengali, Koyala in Hindi, and in Sanskrit, it is known as Yonipushpa, Vishnukranta, and Kokila.

It is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has elliptic, obtuse leaves. It grows well on moist, neutral soil and it grows as a climbing vine or creeper. It is a legume and hence used for improving soil quality.

This plant has beautiful funnel flowers of a vivid deep blue colour; solitary, with light yellow markings. Some varieties yield white flowers as well. These flowers are not just beautiful. They have a wide range of medicinal applications as per Ayurveda and modern medical science as well.

Caffeine Free Blue Flower Tea

Harmful Effects of Conventional Tea

Many people are addicted to tea which is not really good for our health with overconsumption related to a wide range of health problems like, poor iron absorption, poor sleep, restlessness, bloating, gastric issues, heartburn pregnancy complications, nausea etc

Hence many people want to cut down their tea (caffeine intake) in favour of a healthier life and rightly so. But old habits die hard.

They need a healthier, caffeine-free replacement in place of conventional tea to consume whenever they feel a compulsive need to have a cup of tea.

Here comes the old age hero BLUE PEA FLOWER TEA.

It’s a calorie-free, caffeine-free, herbal tea enriched with numerous antioxidants and lots of immune-boosting components such as flavonoids, tannins and polyphenols.

Let’s see how to make Blue Tea.

  1. Pluck few blue pea flowers or use the same amount of dried flowers.
  2. Put the flowers in water, add some jaggery for taste and some lemongrass.
  3. Boil it for 5–10 mins
  4. Serve warm before meals. It can also be served cold after meals to aid in digestion and promote healthy sleep.

Blue tea is popular in Thailand and Vietnam and is commonly mixed with honey and lemon to increase acidity. Increasing acidity turns the beverage into a pink-purple colour drink and it is served dinner, or as a refreshment at hotels and spas.

Nutritional content

A study reveals that blue pea flowers petals contain flavonol glycosides, mainly kaempferol, myricetin and quercetin [1]. Other biochemical constituents contributing to the tea’s pharmacological effects are phenols, saponins, anthocyanins, flavanols and triterpenoids [2].

Benefits of Blue Tea

  1. Nervous System: Research suggests that it has a calming effect on the mind and central nervous system. The researchers noted that “The extract exhibited a tendency to reduce the intensity of behaviour mediated via serotonin and acetylcholine [3].” It is associated with reduced stress and anxiety. So you can experience the calmness without consuming caffeine.
  2. Helps Bring Down Body Temperature During Fever: It has been found that doses of 200, 300 and 400 milligrams per kilogram, of blue pea extract, led to a significant reduction in body temperature, which lasted for five hours after administration. This antipyretic effect is “comparable to that of paracetamol [4].
  3. Anti Oxidant Properties: Researchers have found it to exhibit antioxidant properties [5].
  4. Anti Diabetic Properties: A 2015 animal study has found that from blue pea flower extracts lowered serum glucose levels of diabetic rats significantly and increased their body weight. The antidiabetic effect was said to be comparable to the diabetes drug glibenclamide [5].
  5. Anti Ulcer Effect: Modern-day screwed up life is one of the major reason for gastric issues and have made them highly common among children adults and senior citizens alike. Upon testing experimentally induced ulcer models on rats blue pea extract demonstrated significant anti-ulcer activities. It is also considered as a cooling agent by Ayurveda as well [6].
  6. Anti Cancer Effects: A research investigated the antitumor activity and antioxidant status of methanolic extract of Clitoria ternatea (MECT) in DLA tumour-bearing mice. The study reported a significant decrease in tumour size and prominent anti-cancer effect of the extract [7].
  7. Aids Weight Loss: Blue Pea tea contains zero caffeine, calorie and cholesterol and hence cuts the calorie intake and aids weight loss.
  8. Anti-HIV: Blue pea contains cycloids which are natural anti-HIV agents [8,9].

So you can see the insane amount of benefits you can reap by simply switching to Blue Pea Herbal Tea. If you can’t make a 100% switch then start with replacing one cup daily.

Happy Healthy Eating Folks :)

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