What Stops Sales Reps from Making $100,000?

Josh Jordan
preHIRED | Science-Based Sales®
2 min readApr 19, 2018

Why do some salespeople make more than $100,000+ while others struggle just to pay bills?

That’s something that our team of sales analysts spent months researching…

… and what we found was very interesting.

Sales jobs aren’t all created equal.

Your industry matters!

For example, according to Glassdoor.com

… the average US car salesperson only makes $31,587 / yr.

Real estate agents average $59,360 a year.

A bit more digging and we found insurance agents make $67,760.

And then we came to software sales, or SaaS sales.

The average income for a software sales rep is $100,800!

That’s over 3x what a car sales rep makes…

And why is that? Well there’s more profit in software but…

… it’s mostly because there are skills needed in the tech industry that sales reps in other industries have never developed.

Here’s the kicker…

… right now, there’s over 47,900 software sales positions that are available RIGHT NOW.

Tech companies are hiring for 47,900 salespeople right now and paying them an average of $100,800 a year!

And fun fact… about 4,000 of those software sales jobs are completely remote. The job can be done from HOME.

There are lots of great sales jobs out there but the problem is that most sales reps are unqualified to do the work because it requires specific experience in APPS, SKILLS, and WORKFLOWS.

So my team is on mission to find people who want to make a change…

… they want to start working in the world of software sales…

… and will study and practice our Science-Based Sales® methodology over about 40 hours.

And in return, our team will get them hired into a software sales role at some of the top tech companies in the US.

So if you want to make six-figures, or just work remotely from home — AND are willing to put in 40 hours to learn our Science-Based Sales® methodology…

Then we want to talk with you. That’s it.

Click the link below and two things will happen.

#1 — You’ll receive emails with free tactics on how to interview for software sales jobs over the next two weeks.

#2 — You’ll have an opportunity to take an admissions test and a free consultation from our team to figure out if this something you want for your career goals.

So if you’re just the slightest bit curious about all of this — what are you waiting for ?!?

Contact admissions now!


— Josh



Josh Jordan
preHIRED | Science-Based Sales®

PEOPLE: Go from zero to a 6-figure sales career in ~12 weeks. COMPANIES: Get a pipeline of certified SDRs that are yours to hire.