A Foursquare Hackathon for the new year — sign up and build the next amazing hack!

4SQ Eng
Published in
1 min readDec 10, 2012

And take two! Although Sandy foiled our hackathon plans in November, we’re back and ready to hack it up with the best and brightest. On January 5, we’re inviting developers and designers in NYC, SF, and everywhere around the world to sign up and build some more amazing hacks using the Foursquare API. We’ll have prizes, swag, and (naturally) global glory for the best Foursquare hacks, no matter where in the world they originate.

Head over to our Meetup page and keep an eye on hackathon.foursquare.com for more details as the event draws nearer. If you’re in SF or NYC, sign up to work from our HQ, otherwise, you can use Meetup to connect with hackers in your area.

(Fun fact: back in 2010, two designer/developer friends got together and entered the first Foursquare hackathon. They built a snazzy little hack that took people’s Foursquare check-in histories and resurfaced them in the form of a daily email that showcased people’s check-ins from exactly one year ago. They dubbed their hack, “4SquareAnd7YearsAgo,” and today you might know it as Timehop.)

Now, go sign up for the Foursquare Hackathon 2013!

