48% of Republicans Say California is “Not Really American”!

Are We Commies; Socialists; or Just-too-Woke for Them?

Robert Pacilio
Fourth Wave


When my Italian American parents were growing up, Joe McCarthy (not to be confused with Kevin McCarthy, although both have become infamous) was scaring the daylights out of Americans, whom he claimed were Communists. He had folks testifying to the House on Un-American Activities. People were terrified to be labeled pinko commies. It took years for someone to ask him: “Do you, Sir, have any sense of dignity?”

That single question turned the tide against Joe (not to be confused with Joe Biden) in 1954.

In 1968, Richard Nixon and the Great Silent Minority rose to power with the slogan “America — Love it or Leave it!” This was part of the debate that centered on the war in Vietnam. Long-haired people, most of college-age, were protesting America’s involvement after years of fighting in South Vietnam.

America left Vietnam around the same time as “Tricky-Dick” Nixon left the Oval Office, on the verge of being impeached for the Watergate affair. So Americans did “leave it” so to speak…as did Nixon. And before you knew it, long hair became a trendy fashion, too.

All of this brings me full circle back to today’s Los Angeles Times headline that “48% of…



Robert Pacilio
Fourth Wave

San Diego County “Public School Teacher of the Year.” (32 year veteran) Author of five novels & a memoir available on Amazon and at www.robertpacilio.net.