Businesses and Thought Leaders Who Do Right by Single People

Single people appreciate these businesses and thought leaders and will be loyal to them

Bella DePaulo
Fourth Wave


Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Single people often get short shrift in a world obsessed with marriage and coupling, and at Unmarried Equality and elsewhere, I have often pointed out examples of singlism (the stereotyping, stigmatizing, and marginalizing of single people, and the discrimination against them). But just as important as all the ways in which single people are disadvantaged and treated unfairly are all the ways in which they are treated well.

Today, in this season of gratitude, I want to acknowledge a few of the businesses and thought leaders who do right by single people. I have been collecting examples myself, and online, I also asked members of Fairness for Single People, the Community of Single People, and Unmarried Equality for their own favorite examples. Most nominated specific people or places; others described what they wished they could find. I am grateful to all of the nominated people and businesses as well as the single people who took the time to make recommendations.

Consider these as just a few examples of the kinds of things businesses and thought leaders can do to connect with, validate, or serve the millions of single people in the U.S. and all

