Clogged Drain

Shea Moore
Fourth Wave
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2023
AI Generated Image; Gencraft

Every week, I heard my Gay Conversion Therapy counselor say,
“Just watch and pray —
Your homosexual friends may have led you astray,
But Jesus can take this sinful same sex attraction away!
“You can do this through Him! You can overcome this carnal SSA!”

Water trickled down my back

As I slumped in the shower day after day
My hips forgot how to sashay
As my very self was scraped
Painfully off, I watched the “nicks” spill blood as I shaved

Disgust dribbled along my spine

I left each shower feeling less clean than before
Left each counseling session feeling more impure

Fear flowed over my head

At the end of the twelve week Conversion Therapy program
(Guilt crammed
In every corner of my body, thinking to hell I was damned)
I slouched yet again in that shower

Shame strutted in interminable lines

I noticed the water draining slower
So I investigated closer

I expected it to be clogged with
Matted pubic hair or
Soap scum or
Flannel fuzz

I saw silky shreds
Faded threads
(A material I vaguely recognized,
Something I remembered I used to prize)
Faintly glimmering in that congested drain
The fabric coarse with pain

I gently gathered it up into my palm, and realized
It was my


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Shea Moore
Fourth Wave

I'm a genderqueer lesbian (they/her). I grew up in an ultraconservative church; now I'm finally exploring my authentic self.