Cultivating Connections: Networking Strategies for Teen Extroverts

College is your playground, and networking is your secret weapon

The Next Door Teen
Fourth Wave
3 min readOct 3, 2023


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Have you ever pondered the magic of networking? Let’s embark on a journey to unveil its secrets together! Networking isn’t just a buzzword; it’s your personal passport to a treasure trove of opportunities, connecting you with individuals who hold the keys to your success, both in your teenage years and beyond.

A teenager’s life is filled with mysteries, from early morning awakenings to late-night study sessions, all while striving for excellence in both academics and extracurricular pursuits, and discovering the true purpose of life while setting and working towards ambitious goals. Reflecting on this intricate balance of responsibilities and aspirations can undeniably lead to a sense of exhaustion.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

But networking can help you find your way though the maze in a number of positive ways.

Exploring passions

Networking allows a teenager to explore their passion by connecting with peers with similar interests, whether it’s science, art, any sport , music, or any other hobby. These connections can spark creativity and drive.

Initiating conversations

Don’t be afraid to start conversations with people you meet; extroverts often excel in this area. Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in what others have to say. Engage in active listening to truly understand their perspectives and create a meaningful dialogue that fosters stronger connections and relationships.

Listening actively

While extroverts may enjoy talking, active listening is equally important. It helps you understand others better and build stronger connections. It allows individuals to gain personal connections with each other, leading to long-lasting relationships with several advantages.

Connecting with seniors

Connecting with seniors in college can be a valuable experience that can provide you with insights, advice, and even lasting friendships. It also allows individuals to seek guidance, mentorship from them, which can be a boost to your academic and career journey. These connections enrich the college experience and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. It’s a valuable aspect of the college years that should not be overlooked.

Following up

When you have a meaningful conversation or interaction with someone, following up with a thank-you message is not only polite but also a way to express gratitude for their time and insights. It reinforces the positive impression you’ve made and leaves the door open for future interactions. Additionally, continuing the conversation later demonstrates your genuine interest in maintaining the relationship, allowing you to delve deeper into shared interests or explore new topics, ultimately fostering stronger and more lasting connections.

Setting goals

Setting clear networking goals guides your efforts. Whether it’s finding a mentor, learning new skills, or making friends, defining your objectives helps you focus and tailor your interactions for more meaningful and rewarding connections.

Being yourself

“Being yourself” in networking involves embracing your individuality and doing what makes you genuinely happy and comfortable. This approach is significant because it allows you to showcase your unique qualities, rather than pretending to be someone else. It results in establishing authentic connections with people, where trust and common values play a central role in forming meaningful relationships.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Remember, in the world of networking, authenticity is your superpower! Have a great day!

With love,
The Next Door Teen

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The Next Door Teen
Fourth Wave

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