Diablo Canyon: Don’t Delay Decommissioning

Share your views by August 31

doug peckler
Fourth Wave
2 min readAug 27, 2022


Monterey County Weekly

California’s Gov. Newsom is jeopardizing plans to decommission Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.

This is happening at a time when both nuclear power and nuclear weapons are making headlines. For the second time during Russia’s war on Ukraine, a power plant has been attacked with dangerous potential consequences. Sensitive nuclear documents appear to have been brought to Mar-a-Lago for an unknown purpose. Important anti-proliferation agreements are being challenged or weakened by Russia. These are risky times.

But, hooray, these are also exciting times of opportunity, because we have finally passed a bill for reducing energy use, which will forestall the drastic consequences of climate change. This is a galvanizing moment to make progress without having to rely on fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Therefore, one must question Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recommendation to delay the decommissioning of Diablo Canyon Power Plant, which is already compromised by its location adjacent to an earthquake fault. Finalizing such a decision by the end of August means caving in to PG&E and the California Independent System Operator. This stopgap measure is in no way a sensible bridge for continuous energy use; it’s indeed a bridge too far.

To make your views known, go here: https://www.energy.ca.gov/contact and here: https://govapps.gov.ca.gov/gov40mail/.

For a much more detailed look at the impracticality of delaying the closing of Diablo Canyon, read https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/California-Diablo-Canyon-nuclear-power-17396392.php (Amory Lovins is one of the world’s preeminent energy scientists.)

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