Feed Her to the Wolves

Melissa Mann
Fourth Wave
Published in
1 min readMar 26, 2024


Picture by Margarita Zueva on Unsplash

He speaks over her
As if he did not hear
No one seems to notice
She does not interfere

He won’t stop arguing
She studied this for years
She’s got it all wrong
It’s not how it appears

He touches her hip
Every time he walks past
She steps out of the way
Her discomfort will not last

He whistles in the streets
Calls her names she won’t repeat
She lowers her gaze
And rushes past him in defeat

He slips droplets in her drink
Takes her with him in the night
She should have been more careful
Now she’s exposed without a fight

They say it’s not all men
And maybe this is true
But it’s almost every woman
And this is nothing new

For more poems about male-female relations, follow Fourth Wave. Have you got a story or poem that focuses on women or other disempowered groups? Submit to the Wave!



Melissa Mann
Fourth Wave

Psychology student trying to navigate through life. I read and I write about things that matter to me in hopes they matter to you too.