Fruit Tasted Better in My Childhood

I was a risk-taker then

Fourth Wave


^Photo by Rejaul Karim on Unsplash

My mum gives me regular updates on current affairs in Bangladesh. She is concerned for those who lost crops due to floods in various districts. Floods are common during the summer, but this year it started earlier. She showed me a video of fruit/veg on the ground due to windy downpours.

This took me back to my childhood memories of Bangladesh.

  • Competitive swimming — I loved being in the water in summer and could only be forced to come home for meals.
  • Climbing trees — sitting, swinging, picking the fruits and even diving from the top (if water is nearby).
  • Street food — spiced roast potatoes, onion bhaji (fritters), amra (sweet/sour plums).

I spent my money wisely

Whenever I came into money: Eid, good performance in school, and sometimes from guests, I learnt at a very young age not to disclose it to my mum (or siblings), as there was a grave risk of losing my fortune. I went to the local bazaar (market) and spent it all on treats.

I was in the process of writing this piece (on my phone) and Mum received a call from a young relative. I took the phone off her, exchanged pleasantries and told him I was treating him today. The caveat is that he needs to…



Fourth Wave

3x boosted writer. I just talk and 😂 a lot. People around me are chuckling. I hope they’re not laughing at me!