Guys, enough is enough!

Brazilian Futsal Players’ Public Masturbation

Marlene Rosette
Fourth Wave
3 min readSep 24, 2023


Brazilian medical students rushed a volleyball court after their school, Santo Amaro University, crowned itself as winners of a women’s volleyball tournament at São Camilo University. Photo Credit: Daily Mail

The misogynists are constantly stating that feminists hate men, that women who complain about men just hate men.

Can anyone please describe something lovable, or likeable, or even slightly agreeable about the male Brazilian medical students who ran on the court masturbating after a female volleyball team won a match?

Are you finding it hard to believe what you’re reading? Because I certainly did! But make no mistake, this is the Daily Mail Australia headline on 20 September 2023:

Shocking moment group of male Brazilian medical students perform group masturbation on women’s volleyball court after their college’s team beat their rivals

The newspaper article goes on:

“Santo Amaro University announced it had expelled six students Monday. Their names have not been released.

‘Unisa, an institution with more than 55 years of history, vehemently repudiates this type of behavior, completely antagonistic to its history and values,’ the school said in a statement.

The São Paulo Civil Police said it has opened an investigation into the incident, which carries a sentence of three months to one year in prison.

The group’s vile act drew the attention of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who is currently in New York attending the General Assembly of the United Nations, according to Camilo Santana, who oversees the Ministry of Education.

‘A disgusting, unacceptable episode, the behavior of young people who are at the university, who intend to be doctors and take care of people,’ Santana told reporters Tuesday after attending a meeting at a conference for journalism educators.

Santana has given the Santo Amaro University administration 15 days ‘to find out what measures’ will be taken.”

The comments by Santana are, in my opinion, a mild response to what, in 2023, can be described as nothing less than blatant and obscenely offensive misogyny. They ran on the court, as a group, exposing their genitals and masturbating!

I can already hear the misogynists excusing the behaviour:

“Boys will be boys”

“Just kids”

“Just having a bit of fun”

“You need to see the humor in it”

And: “Not all Men.”

How many times do we need to hear this useless rhetoric? How many times will this useless rhetoric be used to minimize what is, in reality, a threat to women? What else does this say other than “you may have won this game, but we can still rape you!”

Just what do you suppose these medical students had in mind when they ran, as a group, onto the court, masturbating, following a win by female volleyball players?

After all, we’re talking about intelligent young men! I’m sure that medical students in Brazil need to meet a certain level of intelligence in order to succeed at admission to study a medical degree.

Just how long will it take for all decent men to step up and say “Guys, this has to stop!”

And just how long will it take for ALL WOMEN to speak up, loudly, in defense of their sisters and say “No More”? I’ve said before that any man who is not actively stepping up to support women against male abuse are complicit in the abuse.

And now I’m saying: Every able woman who does not actively support her sisters in the fight against male abuse is also complicit in the abuse! Get off the fence, get out of your comfort zone, stop equivocating, and help end the abuse. After all, it might be you or your daughter next time.

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Marlene Rosette
Fourth Wave

Teacher, Child Protection Social Worker. I will never accept selfish indifference to the pain of others, or animals, or the abuse of nature.