How A Reuters Poll Gave Me Hope For Women’s Rights In America
In a world of rampant inequality and unrelenting abuses against women are we finally ready to elect one?
I’m falling asleep when I hear a woman crying, voice floating through my open window. It’s the type of crying gets me. Panic, fear. Desperation.
Wide awake instantly. Then I hear fists. Beating wood. A voice plaintively begging. Please. Let me in. Please. More thumping. More crying. I bolt up. I’m pulling on leggings when I hear a door slam. The night goes silent.
I wake to yelling. His. Laced with profanities. Calling her every name angry men call women. Pull on leggings, haul my bedhead out to the backyard. See where it’s coming from. A door slams and it’s quiet again.
This isn’t about domestic abuse, so you know.
It’s just. Sometimes a problem is so big, the water so deep, you don’t even know where to start. Dive in. Start swimming. Try not to drown.
Fraidy Rice was nineteen when she was subjected to a forced virginity examination, married off to a stranger in New York City.
Two kids later she left, started an organization called Unchained At Last, to support women who want out of forced marriages, but don’t know…