How To Raise Little Girls To Become Strong And Capable Women

Five things our girls need to learn as young as possible

Linda Caroll
Fourth Wave


little girl wearing tutu photo from pixabay

Once upon a time, the world liked women weak and meek. Preferably pretty and uneducated. Honey, don’t argue, don’t disagree, don’t have your own opinions. Just cook his meals, clean his house, raise his babies.

Walked down the aisle on daddy’s arm so he can hand you off to a husband like the property you were. And if you think different, google coverture in America. A legal practice that meant women had no legal entity.

Preacher says “and the two shall become one.” And they did. Became him. Became Mrs. John Smith as if her own name didn’t matter any more.

There are people who still want that for girls. See girls as inferior. Powerful patriarchal men, sure, but women, too. Holding up those beliefs. But sometimes we raise girls to feel inferior and it’s not even on purpose.

Sometimes, we pass down thoughts and ideas same way we pass down big brown eyes, wide feet, auburn hair. Ideas leaking from past generations to the present, we don’t even think about them.

Makes me think we mamas need to compare notes. Talk about how to raise strong girls. There are five things I think every little girl should be taught. But maybe buckle…

