It’s Time for Biden to End Netanyahu’s Reign of Terror

The U.S. government must withhold weapons

Robert Pacilio
Fourth Wave


Protesters with signs saying “End the Siege of Gaza”
Photo by Sophie Popplewell on Unsplash

In Gaza, roughly 100 Israeli hostages are being held by Hamas…if they are still alive. Getting them freed is the priority for the United States government.

They are certainly not the only hostages.

Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians are trapped within the borders of the Gaza Strip, with Hamas using them as shields. The priority for organizations like the World Central Kitchen (and the United States and other nations) is to feed these starving “hostages” so they don’t starve to death…if they haven’t already.

But these are not the only hostages.

As of April 4, 2024, the Biden Administration finds itself in a position that no government can maintain: How to stop the continuing attacks on the Gaza Strip and promote some sustainable peace, most likely a two-state solution. It appears Biden and Company are being held “hostage” to the whims of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel’s priority, under Netanyahu’s rule, is the total annihilation of Hamas.

That’s not what the United States (or the United Nations) signed up for.

On April 4, President Biden finally tried to lay down the law to Netanyahu after Israel killed seven…



Robert Pacilio
Fourth Wave

San Diego County “Public School Teacher of the Year.” (32 year veteran) Author of five novels & a memoir available on Amazon and at