Jimmy Kimmel Cried

And I’m looking for the Resistance

Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave


The base of a particularly beautiful altar at the Day of the Dead celebration in San Francisco on Nov. 2. It wasn’t commemorating the death of the American Dream, but it might as well have been. Photo by author.

I watched Jimmy Kimmel on YouTube this morning. I always watch him there. I’m not much interested in his interview guests or musical guests. I want to hear his monologue, where he has relentlessly trolled Donald Trump in a cheerful and funny and mostly humane way for years. So this morning, I wanted to hear what he had to say about the outcome of the election. He cried.

And I cried with him.

I love this good man, who is smart and funny and tender all at the same time, who cares about others as much as himself. I love that he cried in public and lets that be broadcast on YouTube — that he doesn’t define and restrict himself by toxic masculine tropes. The fact that men like him exist and exert influence on the public gives me hope for the future.

But what about today?

Where is my hope for today?

I’m looking for a Resistance movement that will accept me, but have yet to find one. I’m completely disenchanted with my own demographic — white women. White women have let…



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