Don’t Leverage Taliban-Oppressed Women in Western Gender Debates

Or the false dichotomy of discontent

Rustam Seerat
Fourth Wave


The Munich protest for women’s rights in Afghanistan, January 14th, 2023. Image source: Unsplash

An Economist article dated March 13, 2024, examines the widening gap between young men and women which could significantly impact politics, family structures, and broader societal norms. Young men are increasingly inclined to support right-wing political parties and are more likely to vote for these groups, while women are more likely to support left-wing parties. Polls indicate that young men harbor more anti-feminist sentiments than their older counterparts. This trend is not unique to the developed world but also observed in China. The primary cause is the diminishing job market for young males, worsened by the increasing entry of educated women into the workforce.

The dissatisfaction among certain Western men, especially followers of Jordan Peterson and other similar figures, stems from their disapproval of the direction of Western societies. They use the plight of Muslim women to justify their views, arguing that Western feminism has “feminized” men, which purportedly leads to support for masculine figures from extremist groups who enforce traditional gender roles.

Young men are increasingly inclined to support right-wing political parties and are more likely to…



Rustam Seerat
Fourth Wave

I scout Afghanistan media for stories about women that deserve wider attention. Whatever I earn on Medium, 50% will be donated to educating children in Afg.