Lock Him Up?

A poem for all of us at the intersection of madness and democracy

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Fourth Wave
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2024


Photo by Chris Bair on Unsplash

A convicted felon can’t vote or own guns, how will he shoot someone at the Fifth Avenue Intersection now?

Three word chants were once the rage:

“Stop the steal! U. S. A!”

Eating sound bites does engage —
We swallow all we hear today
Although it’s neither straight nor gay
We can’t un-hear the blare and bray
Our hangry food in this day and age

Now we have a convicted felon
But heaps of shame do not compel him
Common sense will not expel him
Nor put an end to all the yellin’

For anyone at an intersection
We’re all food poisoned by infection
Sound bites in a year of election
contaminate by pure projection

“Lock her up. Build that wall.”

Before we flip history’s page
Perhaps we should review such gall
It was never the trumpet, after all,
It was always the drill team, storming the stage

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Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Fourth Wave

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.