Men, Please Improve Your Hygiene

Because your funk isn’t “manly” or cute

Vena Moore
Fourth Wave


Photo by Alex Perri on Unsplash

Many years ago, I dated this guy for a few weeks who I thought to be kind, witty, and thoughtful. After one such date, we’d gone to my place. One thing led to another. He ended up spending the night and left early the next morning. Turned out, that was the last time I saw him as he ghosted me, though we didn’t use the term “ghosted” 25 years ago. Months later, a friend told me the guy moved around 500 miles away.

How I discovered that men don’t always have good hygiene

On its face, some guy ghosting me after getting what he wanted (mainly sex) and discarding me like a used napkin isn’t that remarkable. However, what I’m about to say next may elicit either laughter or embarrassment.

See, shortly after the guy left my place that morning, I discovered this brown streak on my bedsheet. It was on the side of the bed that he’d slept on, so I knew it wasn’t me. And the streak was the color of feces, not red or purplish red like blood from my menstrual period. I deduced that the guy hadn’t wiped his butt properly and had streaked my bedsheet with fecal remains. Of course, I thought the streak was gross. I mean, how could a grown man not know how to wipe his behind properly?



Vena Moore
Fourth Wave

Dismantling white, male supremacy one word at a time.