More Than 300,000 Children Affected by Floods in Afghanistan

Report by BBC Persian, translated into English by Rustam Seerat

Rustam Seerat
Fourth Wave


In Baghlan, one of the flood-affected areas, a child is seen cleaning mud brought by the floods. Image source: BBC Persian

Floods have hit northern Afghanistan hard. Ershad Malik, the Afghanistan Director for the charity “Save the Children,” estimates that the lives of 310,000 children have been affected by the floods in northern Afghanistan, and they have “lost everything,” according to BBC Persian.

Mr. Malik told Reuters: “The lives and livelihoods of children have been washed away. Sudden floods have engulfed villages, destroyed homes, and killed livestock.”

Meanwhile, Janez Lenarčič, the European Union’s Emergency Response Coordinator, announced on X that 97 tons of European aid for the flood victims had arrived at Kabul airport.

The World Health Organization also stated that it had sent seven tons of essential medicines, medical equipment, and aid packages for the flood victims. Before this, it had prepared medicines for lung infections, diarrhea, and malnutrition for about 20,000 people and the equipment to treat 500 injured individuals.

Jamshid Tanoli, the organization’s representative in Afghanistan, said that aid workers work tirelessly to help the flood victims.



Rustam Seerat
Fourth Wave

I scout Afghanistan media for stories about women that deserve wider attention. Whatever I earn on Medium, 50% will be donated to educating children in Afg.