Recent abductions show Taliban’s goal of removing women from public sphere

By Paiman Arman,* translated into English by Rustam Seerat

Rustam Seerat
Fourth Wave


Image source: Zan Times

The Taliban have escalated their discriminatory and anti-women policies. Since January 1, they have been arbitrarily detaining and beating any females found in public spaces that they believe are “spreading and encouraging others to wear a bad hijab.” Even girls who are careful to follow Taliban rules by wearing modest outfits and face veils are being targeted, sources within Afghanistan report. Some are being released after being lashed for wearing what the Taliban deem “improper” outfits, other women have vanished completely, transferred to unknown locations after being taken by the Taliban.

Gender — specifically femininity and womanhood — has been turned into a criminal matter in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s implementation of policies of segregation, discrimination, and gender suppression are making all women the target of a systematic, annihilative, and degrading political agenda.

Through their systematic gender segregation, and prohibition of female education, work, and free movement, the Taliban continue to break their own boundaries of cruelty and atrocity each passing day. As Amnesty International asks that the Taliban’s treatment of girls and women be investigated…



Rustam Seerat
Fourth Wave

I scout Afghanistan media for stories about women that deserve wider attention. Whatever I earn on Medium, 50% will be donated to educating children in Afg.