Redefining Beauty: A Teen’s Journey

From Insecurity To Self-Acceptance

The Next Door Teen
Fourth Wave
3 min readOct 1, 2023


Photo by Nicholas Kusuma on Unsplash

Growing up in a family where my parents felt I was not mature enough to use Instagram, I finally got the green light to create an account after graduating high school and starting college. Seeing all of my friends already have Instagram handles from their school days piqued my interest in the platform, and I was ecstatic to establish one.

As a young woman in my teens, my initial instinct upon opening the app was to explore beauty-related content. I was captivated by the flawless skin of famous influencers in my area. The images of perfect, blemish-free complexions left me feeling deeply insecure about my own appearance. I hastily attempted various beauty hacks in hopes of achieving similar results, but to my disappointment, they didn’t work. This experience triggered a significant emotional setback for me.

The experience was especially challenging for me because I had always considered myself a confident individual. However, as time passed, I began to realize through the same social media platform that not everything we see is an accurate representation of reality. Many people resort to surgical procedures, fillers, and photo filters to attain their online appearance. Today’s beauty standards have escalated to the point where individuals feel compelled to emulate others.

I was captivated by the flawless skin of famous influencers in my area. The images of perfect, blemish-free complexions left me feeling deeply insecure about my own appearance.

As teenagers, it is of utmost importance that we rise above this phenomenon and foster a healthy body image while rejecting the unrealistic beauty standards imposed on us. My journey through social media and the discovery that not everything is as it seems has been a powerful lesson. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, especially when you’re bombarded with images of seemingly flawless individuals who appear to embody the ideal beauty standards.

But it’s essential to remember that these images are often carefully curated and edited. Behind the filters and facades, there are real people with their own insecurities and struggles. No one is perfect, no matter how perfect they may appear on social media.

Photo by Gabriel Silvério on Unsplash

My experience also taught me the importance of self-acceptance and self-love. True beauty comes from within, and it’s about embracing our uniqueness and individuality. We should celebrate our flaws, imperfections, and quirks because they make us who we are. It’s okay not to fit into society’s narrow definition of beauty because that definition is flawed and ever-changing.

As teenage feminists, we have a responsibility to challenge these unrealistic beauty standards. We can use our voices and actions to create a more inclusive and accepting culture. We should encourage open conversations about body image, mental health, and self-esteem. We should support one another and build communities that empower individuals to love themselves just as they are.

In the end, my journey through social media taught me that beauty is diverse, and cannot be confined to a single mold. We are all beautiful in our own unique ways, and that’s what makes us special. Let’s break free from the illusion of perfection and embrace our authentic selves, knowing that true beauty lies in our confidence, kindness, and the love we have for ourselves and others.

With love,
The Next Door Teen

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The Next Door Teen
Fourth Wave

Lifestyle Writer | Curating Stories on Living Well | Embracing the Art of Everyday 🌿 | Let's explore life together!