Traces Of My Insanity


Pragya Chaturvedi
Fourth Wave


Image from Pexels

your forgotten crimes
did you good.
your forgotten crimes
made you a different person in the eyes of the world,
but to me,
you still remind
of love and wreckage.
the world
might have forgotten your crimes,
but my heart refuses to.
the world
may look at you with pleasing memories,
but my past refuses to.
my heart was left black and blue,
my mind — insane.
your crimes made a home in me,
my scars scream your name.
i broke,
i broke slow and hard.
but today you must know
who the criminal was
behind my broken soul.
“you loved me,
and you broke me.
the world most certainly
has forgotten about your crimes
but what about what you did to me?”
my insanity, looked at the mirror
and asked questions
only she had the answers to.

  • Pragya Chaturvedi

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