The Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Test

How to tell if your behavior is appropriate: a tool for men

Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave


Photo from the Daily and Sunday Express

Ever wonder if you’re doing right by your date/wife/friend/co-worker? Confused by “PC Culture” that says you can’t compliment a woman on how she’s dressed? Afraid to take meetings with women because you might accidentally cross an invisible line of appropriate behavior?

Fear no more. Because now there’s a foolproof test you can apply to any situation to find out if you are behaving like a decent human being. Simply ask yourself, would I do this to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson? If the answer is no, don’t do it to your date/wife/friend/co-worker either. In fact, don’t do it to anyone at all.

Consider these common scenarios

  • You’re running in a marathon and spy Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson standing on the side of the road with a microphone, reporting on the event. Do you slap him on the butt in a burst of exuberance?
  • You’ve taken Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson out for dinner and drinks and he’s invited you back to his apartment. But soon after you begin kissing on the couch, he tells you he’s changed his mind. He doesn’t want to have sex. Do you try to force yourself on him anyway?
  • Dwayne enters an elevator you’re riding in. Do you blatantly stare at his…



Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave

Tree hugger. Tour guide. Top Writer. Feminist. Newly-baptized Bay swimmer. Editor of Fourth Wave.