The Most Important Factor in Aging Happily as a Single Person: Guest Post by Cathy Goodwin

Aging happily while single isn’t about doctors, diets or relationships. It’s about choosing the best place to live.

Bella DePaulo
Fourth Wave


Image from Depositphotos

From Bella: Guest blogger Cathy Goodwin really knows how to get to the heart of things that matter to single people. A guest post she wrote for my Living Single blog on how the medical establishment makes it hard for single people to get the care they need, is one that readers go back to again and again. Now she is out with a new, provocative book on aging, When I Grow Old I Plan to be a Bitch. Prepare to hear some ideas you’ve never encountered before, and to laugh out loud along the way. I invited Cathy Goodwin to write a guest post about aging when single and I am delighted that she agreed.

The Most Important Factor in Aging Happily as a Single Person

By Cathy Goodwin

Go to any online forum about being single, growing older, or even “being single while growing older.” You’ll find dozens of posts like this:

  • “I can’t seem to find anything meaningful to occupy my time.”
  • “I’m having trouble making new friends.”



Bella DePaulo
Fourth Wave

“America’s foremost thinker and writer on the single experience,” according to the Atlantic. SINGLE AT HEART book is a gold medal winner.