The Power of Communities of Single People
The Community of Single People is 7 years old and now we also have Singles Helping Singles in Need
Seven years ago, in July of 2015, I started an online Facebook group, the Community of Single People, for people who want to discuss every aspect of living single except dating or trying to unsingle themselves. We talk about all sorts of things — our joys and accomplishments, our challenges and frustrations, our observations and our questions, the latest studies, something intriguing or enraging that showed up in our feeds or in the media, and those experiences that sometimes only single people really “get.”
We now include close to 7,000 members from more than 100 nations. We are an engaged group, too. Each day, members contribute an average of 21 new posts. Over the past month, 71 percent of the members have posted, commented, reacted, or viewed posts. (The growth of membership over the years, the ages and genders of the current membership, and the countries and cities with the most members are all described at the end of this article.)
At the Heart of the Group Are People Who Are Happily Single
If you look at the “About” section of the group’s page, the first thing you will see is this important…