The Shams Story

In search of my lost childhood

Ruhi Hanan
Fourth Wave
Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2024


Shredded Rose petals by the garden side
Image Credits : Writer

The clock strikes 4

Shams stands by the door

Waiting for his treasured


To arrive

Mother leaves Shams

Placing her trust in her


Greeting fun-uncle

Shams sits with the

Pile of chocolates

Grabbing the person

He believes will

Keep him safe

Mother plucks roses

By the garden and leaves

To worship

To seek blessings

To pray for her son, shams

An hour later

Mother returns

Shams sits in a pool of

Chocolate wrappers

His bottom soaked

In blood spots

Rose petals by the bookshelf

Shredded, lifeless

The flower reminding

Shams of his being

The name Shams means Sun in Arabic.

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Ruhi Hanan
Fourth Wave

A clumsy, quirky woman trying to pen down 90 different things she feels in an hour but is only able to articulate a single sentence that makes sense.