If Straight Men Wanted to be Happy, They’d be Fighting Misogyny, Too

It’s what’s keeping us poor

Sangeeta Kalsi
Fourth Wave


Costs are rising beyond our worst nightmares, and our generation is barely keeping their head above water. (Art by the Author)

If you’re a man who perhaps rage-clicked this article, all I have to say to you is, “Welcome, friend. This may be the most important 12-minute read of your life.”

Let me help you, and in turn I hope you will be able to help all of us.

Presently, this is the state of the world:

  1. Housing prices are soaring past the average yearly income, meaning it takes upwards of a decade to buy a house almost anywhere.
  2. Heterosexual households being majority dual-income is the new normal (for example, 53% in the US and 59.2% in South Korea).
  3. Mothers in straight partnerships are the undefeated breadwinners in countries such as Brazil (61%), South Africa (41%), Denmark (40%), Mexico (38.5%) and more.

Far gone are the days when a young man would marry his sweet, home-scientist of a housewife, join his local post office as a clerk with a passing certificate from his high-school and manage to buy a comfortable suburban home in a couple of years. The average man is not earning enough anymore. He is not a provider, or a breadwinner, or any other buzz-word we historically associated with large and in-charge men.



Sangeeta Kalsi
Fourth Wave

Dubai-born Indian living in Italy. I write an art column - follow "An Artists Diary." Writing from a feminist artist & immigrant's lens.