When ‘Good Girls’ Have No Choice But To Turn Bad

Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures

Kristi Keller
Fourth Wave


animated woman wearing a balaclava with a gray background
Image from Canva AI

What point do you think you’d have to reach to make a really crappy life decision in order to save yourself or a loved one? How extenuating would your circumstances have to be before you’d consider potentially ruining your life, in order to try and make it better?

If you’ve ever come to the point of asking yourself those questions, could you answer truthfully?

I first started watching Good Girls on Netflix because the trailer lightened it up to a point where it looked like a full-on comedy. But after making my way through several episodes, I found that although pieces of it are hilarious, it depicts some hefty life situations anyone could find themselves dealing with.

  • A single mom, trying her hardest to make ends meet and provide for her child. That’s real.
  • A stay at home wife and mother finds out her husband is cheating, but doesn’t have the financial means to leave him. Also very real.
  • The mother of a child who needs a life-saving surgery but can’t afford the cost. Possibly the grittiest of all these scenarios.

None of these scenarios are far fetched. In fact, they’re all VERY real in the lives of many. There’s so much…



Kristi Keller
Fourth Wave

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. https://wildhoodwanted.substack.com/