Who’s to Blame When a Child Becomes a Murderer?

What happened to the Crumbleys could happen to many parents

Catherine Oceano
Fourth Wave


A red buoy sits on a flat grey ocean. Some birds float on the water behind it. there is a shoreline and some trees
Aid to Navigation. Photo credit: author, Catherine Oceano

I’ve been watching with interest the court case for James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of the Oxford High School Shooter. If you aren’t aware, in November of 2021 a 15-year-old student named Ethan Crumbley shot and killed four students and injured seven more when he took a 9mm semi-automatic handgun to school and opened fire. He became known as the Oxford High School Shooter.

Ethan was sentenced to life imprisonment in December of 2023. His parents were in court some days ago and were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

I was not following this saga out of some perverse enjoyment in watching the suffering of others. The story is tragic from every angle. My heart breaks for the murdered students and their families. And for those he physically injured and for all the kids and staff who experienced the horrific trauma of a school shooting.

I also feel for that lost young man, Ethan Crumbley. He was only fifteen years old and the remainder of his life will be spent in prison. That’s another human who will never recover from that cold fall day and all that happened.

The story is tragic from every angle. My heart breaks for the…



Catherine Oceano
Fourth Wave

old but not dead, mother, partner, grandmother, writer, Canadian Become a Medium member and support great writers like me.